Here is your special invitation
(for ICA members only)
Be a part of the beta test group for the Indoor Cycling Profile Design Blueprint.

My name is Jennifer Sage, founder and master instructor of the Indoor Cycling Association (ICA). I’ve been educating and inspiring indoor cycling/Spinning® instructors for 25 years. First as an early master instructor for the Spinning® program, and then, as the creator of ICA in 2011. It’s my life’s passion to help cycling instructors of all levels and from all programs to be the best possible instructor and coach. In those 25 years, the biggest challenge I’ve heard from instructors is how they struggle to put meaningful, effective, and fun profiles together with great music that matches the objective of the ride…and doing so without taking hours each time.

Well, that’s about to change…

Watch this video to learn about this unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become an “insider” in my beta test group for this valuable upcoming online course on profile design called the Profile Design Blueprint.

The Beta Test group is closed.
Please click the button below if you would like to be notified when the Profile Design Blueprint course is completed and ready to purchase.
Indoor Cycling Profile Design Blueprint Modules
Below are the modules for the Profile Design Blueprint (PDB). Each module will contain a series of lessons (from 1 to 10 lessons). This outline may change as the beta test group continues; based on input, I may add or subtract some lessons or modules or rearrange them if it makes more sense to do so.
Module 1
The Steps to Planning Profiles
Learn why planning profiles in advance and having structure to your classes and to your program in general is so important. We will discuss why this should apply to every participant in your classes, even those with wildly different goals...
Module 2
Understanding Intensity and Perceived Exertion
In order to create a profile, it’s important to understand intensity—how hard your riders should be working. This module will begin with a discussion of RPE and how to coach perception of effort...
Module 3
Technique, Form, and Performance
There are 2 positions on a bike, sitting or standing. Everything else you do in class will be a variable that affects these two elements: cadence, resistance, intensity, duration, explosive...
Module 4
Intensity, Cadence, and Resistance and How They Are Related
A deep dive into understanding cadence and resistance. By themselves, they aren’t considered intensity, but together, they are the elements of producing power/work. What are the generally accepted...
Module 5
Let’s Talk About Music.
While our playlist construction lesson comes at the end of this course, understanding the basics of music will always be in the back of your mind when creating a profile. In this module, we will discuss basic music theory...
Module 6
Let’s Talk About Recovery.
Why discuss recovery before we get to the meat of the profile? Because it’s way more important than you think, especially for interval profiles of all intensities. Understand recovery ratios based on intensity and...
Module 7
Basics of Profile Design, Profile Objectives, and Drills

In-depth discussion of the warm-up, main set, and cool-down. Profile objectives include aerobic conditioning, sub-threshold training, improving lactate threshold...

Module 8
Basic Versus More Advanced Profile Design
Basic doesn’t mean easy…some of your most basic profiles that are based on intensity (versus choreography) may be the most challenging rides you coach. More advanced profile design...
Module 9
Interval Profiles: Short (HIIT), Moderate, and Longer Interval Profiles
Learn the how and why of interval training of various durations and the physiological adaptations they elicit. Modules 8–10 will include examining many basic profile templates...
Module 10
Steady-state, Endurance, Long Climbs, and Outdoor Simulation Rides
How to create non-interval rides such as endurance, long steady climbs, and outdoor simulations. Steady-state rides still require some recovery, just not as...
Module 11
Assessments (FTP, LT) and Race Simulations
This module will introduce you to various ways to assess lactate threshold or FTP. While it is not a primer on power, we will discuss how field tests such a 5-minute, 8-minute, or 20-minute assessment can...
Module 12
Putting Music to Your Masterpiece
Remember those categories of music you started earlier in this course? Now is the time to put them to work! I will take numerous profile template examples and...
Module 13
Printing Your Profile and Playlist 
This module will show you my tips and tricks for quickly writing up my playlist and profile in Google Docs (or Excel) and printing them out for use while teaching...
Module 14
Epilogue: What “Not to do”
We have covered an endless array of ways to put together profiles and how to modify them to create an even bigger library of classes. Now let’s discuss the often very popular class techniques and drills...
What you need to know about being a part
of the beta test group:
  • Once you register, you will be invited to a Facebook group solely for this insiders group. This super-secret private group is only for those very special people who have pledged to become one of my beta testers for the PDB. I will post all links to the webinars, the videos, any handouts, and other links (such as Spotify links) in the FB group.

  • The PDB course will not be a short introduction to profiles; it will be a signature course, an in-depth, deep dive into how to systematize the process of profile design by understanding profile design concepts, collecting your music into categories before you even start the process, and using templates for your profiles, and knowing how to make minor modifications that put a stamp of uniqueness of every profile. 

  • I don't know the total length of the course yet; it will be somewhere around 8–12 hours. The PDB currently has 14 modules (but that may change). Each module will include from 4 to 10 lessons. Some modules will be more intensive than others. Keep in mind that the current outline and order of the modules may change as we progress. 

  • I will present about two modules a week in webinar format; they may also be presented as Facebook live sessions. If you cannot attend the webinar or FB live in person, don't worry, you will get access to the recording in the FB group. I will also send email reminders so make sure to open all my emails!

  • In this beta test group, the modules will be presented as a webinar and will include all (or most) of the lessons in each module. You can expect about 30–60 minutes per webinar. However, in the final course, the lessons in each module will be short, easy-to-consume video lessons of 5–20 minutes each. The final product can be viewed on your own time as quickly or as slowly as desired.

  • I will ask you to please provide feedback whenever possible. You can do that live in the webinars (I will have a Q&A following each one), in the FB group as a comment below the videos, or as your own post in the FB group. You can also email or message me if you prefer. Let me know: did you understand the concepts? Can I clarify anything? Did I miss something that should be included? Is it too much information? Your input will help me fine-tune my lessons and modules, as well as my delivery of the material. 

  • Don't worry—there is no specific requirement for a certain number of comments or feedback—you won't get kicked out of the course if you aren't "keeping up"—it's going to be a lot of material and if you can't get to it as fast as I'm creating it, that's OK! At the very least, please provide me with a review when you have completed the course. All input is valuable.

  • Spotify isn’t an absolute requirement but it will sure make your life easier! All my examples of searching for music and my system of categorizing music playlists will be demonstrated in Spotify. However, you can apply what you learn to any music service that allows you to create folders and subfolders of your music. Nevertheless, I still recommend you create a free Spotify account. You won’t be able to teach with a free account but you can still take advantage of following my Spotify bucket playlists and create your own folders of music in your free account. You can later use these playlists to search for those songs in your service of choice, such as Apple Music, iTunes, Amazon, etc.

  • When this beta testing is complete, you will receive access to the final product, as well as lifetime access to any updates I make in the future. 

  • Will there be CECs available? The answer is yes, eventually, but I don't know when or how many. Since only about 50% of instructors usually want them, there may be a small upcharge for CECs...I will keep you posted. (If there is an upcharge, all my insiders will get them at a reduced rate.)

  • Please don't hesitate to contact me either through FB messenger or via email at if you have any questions. 
