
What to teach next...


On the first three of four hills, guide your riders to push hard to threshold (Zone 4) at one of three different parts of the climb: beginning, middle, or end. For the final climb, riders decide which of these three segments they preferred pushing, and repeat it....read more
Stage 2 of the 2021 Tour de France was filled with excitement and drama—it also has a heartwarming story to tell. This profile gives you all the details and cues to help you deliver a fun, challenging, and inspirational ride; your class will hail your storytelling skills! You can pull out this exciting profile any time of the year. Allez!...read more


A progressive-intensity profile that is ridden entirely at the magic cadence of 80 rpm. In the indoor cycling environment, the cadence of 80 rpm can be used for anything…literally anything!....read more
Similar to the Lather, Rinse, Repeat…and Cruise profile but uses 60-second and 30-second high-intensity intervals in Zone 6 instead of 3- or 4-minute VO2 max intervals in Zone 5. ...read more


A cycling class can be as euphoric as attending a live show; it’s possible to bring this feeling of a live concert into the cycling studio. This profile consists of 3 long moderate to hard efforts; he playlist uses chart-topping artists and tracks that make it feel like you are at a show!...read more

“Sweet spot” is the name given to the intensity that overlaps the upper half of Zone 3 (“tempo”) and the lower part of Zone 4, just below threshold. It’s called “sweet spot” because this intensity is an ideal balance of high intensity and the ability to cause some adaptations without needing a lot of recovery...read more


In this climbing profile, we embark on a musical odyssey that encompasses an array of genres. I've selected songs from pop, classic rock, indie/alternative, world, electronic, hip-hop, and country to craft a playlist that surprises and delights....read more
This ride is patterned after a running workout on a track. Each interval is performed at a specific intensity and power level, which are tied to a pace in a running road or track race...read more
Weeks 1 through 8 can be accessed by clicking here.
Weeks 9 through 12 can be accessed by clicking here.
Weeks 13 through 16 can be accessed by clicking here.
Weeks 17 through 20 can be accessed by clicking here.
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