Ask the Expert
An ICA member asks about the importance of wearing cycling clothing when teaching. I’m so glad he asked, because I’ve been meaning to write an article about this. As instructors we have to be fully aware of the impression we are giving when we walk through those doors. Rightly or wrongly, people form opinions in the first second they meet you, so make sure it’s the impression you are looking to project (from your primary market at least)! READ MORE…

I’ve received several questions on lactate threshold field tests lately. I will answer one today, and the next one in a few days. This question is about using the field-tested heart rate that you estimate in your cycling classes for running. I also give you information about comparing LT with an elliptical machine. READ MORE…

I’d like to open this discussion to all instructors: do you or your club ever take the bikes outside for class? An ICA member asks about this and wonders if it’s wise. I have my own input based on my experience, but I was wondering how many other instructors have either done it or know others who do? What is your experience–good or bad? Do members like it? Is the sound system decent? READ MORE…
Tara asks, “How would you describe how you should be feeling at 75%, 80%, 85%, and 90% of maximum heart rate?” This may possibly be the best question of the year! When you can help your students hone in to what various intensities should feel like, you can help them not only understand how their bodies respond at various intensities, but also where their threshold likely lies. This article tells you how you can make sense of MHR zones, and is the beginning of another wonderfully educational series on heart rate and perceived exertion! READ MORE…
ICA member Margaret has a student who overdoes her swaying motion when in a standing climb and claims she does it to “gain momentum.” Learn how to address someone who is overly aggressive in their upper body movement. ICA member Margaret sent in this question: When I ask my students READ MORE…

This is such a great question–I bet it’s crossed your mind if you’ve done threshold field tests before! How do you correlate the results of a field test with maximum heart rate zones such as the Spinning® Energy Zones or the ones you see posted on many clubs’ walls? How do you answer your students’ questions about their maximum heart rates when you give them their field test results? In this comprehensive discussion, I give you numerous ways to field your students’ questions...READ MORE

Do you have a hard time maintaining your cadence above 80 or 85 rpm when you stand up? You aren’t alone, and I bet you have plenty of students who struggle at this…READ MORE
ICA member Cheryl asked about supporting documentation to understand why maximum heart rate zones are not advised and more information on lactate threshold zones and training. Apparently she has a doctor and some “scientific types” in her class. Here is everything you ever wanted to know about LT and why...READ MORE
Tom Scotto weighs in on a question about setting up the handlebar position on the bike.An ICA member asked about using the arm to determine the distance between the seat and the handlebars: Hi Jennifer, I’ve been a spin instructor for a bunch of years now and I keep seeing...READ MORE
A member left an excellent question on the discussion page for the interview with Danielle Foster about calories burned. She wondered if you put your accurate information in your heart rate monitor, why isn’t the calories burned correct. This is such an excellent question I thought I’d expand on it...READ MORE
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