Have you ever asked, “what am I going to teach tomorrow?” Or “what profile am I going to teach next week?”
If you’re like most people who teach indoor cycling, you
really love what you do, but you are sometimes overwhelmed at the amount of time needed to plan your classes…you’ve gotta decide what profile you’re going to teach, what drills you’re going to do, you’ve gotta make sure the class is an effective training session but is still fun and engaging for your riders and that it’s combined with great music that matches the profile…right? You want to provide variety but you often see yourself falling into a trap of interval class after interval class because face it, they are the easiest to put together, aren’t they?
That can sometimes take hours for each class. The frustration that builds can put a damper on your enjoyment of teaching, can’t it?
I’ve got the solution to that problem. (
Click here to read more.)