Magic Coaching Minute
How can you help riders quiet their form and eliminate bouncing? Jennifer Sage and Tom Scotto discuss why this happens and provide a few solutions...read more
What is the best advice for standing up when you describe a “flat road” to your riders? Since balance and fitness can affect how well a rider can stand up, these tips will help you improve your riders’ performance, and ultimately their fitness, in your classes...read more
Here is a quick tip to help those in our classes who are either new or deconditioned and have difficulty standing. Some fear it is purely a matter of strength and give up before they begin. The truth is that balance plays the major role...read more
Regardless of the reason, using too much resistance on an indoor cycling bike is not good for the muscles, joints, or an effective workout...read more
Many of us see riders who struggle to stand. They come out of the saddle but try to resist the natural side-to-side movement. This video demonstrates “Cheek to Cheek,” a fun drill you can use to help riders move their body properly when standing. You can even make it into a cheeky game. 😉 read more
Jennifer and Tom discuss some of the excessive upper-body movements found when standing during indoor cycling classes and how to coach your riders to proper form...read more
We have been asked by a number of instructors for the proper way to use the toe cages and straps on an indoor bike. This Magic Coaching Minute video demonstrates the proper use, safety concerns, and setup issues...read more
As instructors it is important that we monitor the form our those in our class. It is not uncommon to notice riders pedaling with their knees too far apart or tracking outward. This video addresses this needed correction and provides two cues instructors can use to guide participants back to better alignment...read more
In this Magic Coaching Minute, Jennifer and I are enjoying the USA Cycling Pro Challenge. While in the team village before Friday’s time trial, we were inspired to talk about the importance of warming up...read more
Ever notice riders who turn their elbows out to the sides, either when seated or when standing? I’ve seen it quite often at conferences, even amongst instructors. Gene Nacey of Cycling Fusion and I have a clever cue for you to cure your students of this habit. It’s a great way to think of riding both indoors and outside...read more
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