Mainstream Music Monday: This Song Might Hurt Your Legs

Artist: David Guetta, Anne-Marie, Coi Leray
Song: Baby Don’t Hurt Me
Album: Rhythm and Love
Time: 2:58
Genre: EDM
BPM: 128
Category: climb
Available: iTunes, Spotify, Amazon

In the vast realm of EDM music, one artist that has continuously pushed the boundaries and captivated even mainstream audiences worldwide is David Guetta. I’ve used several of his tracks over the years with great response in my cycling classes. There’s a touch of nostalgia and yet a new sound with this track. “Baby Don’t Hurt Me” features pulsating beats and a lively tempo that instantly grabs your attention. The energetic rhythm provides a driving force, propelling you forward, and as the song progresses, the beats intensify, creating a surge of adrenaline that can help you push through an increasing steady climb. 

That’s right—with this track, I’m talking adding on gears and getting deep into that climb. Following along to the half-beat puts us at a prime climbing cadence of 68 rpm. Challenge your riders to add on resistance every 30 seconds and come out of the saddle when they need to in order to keep the pace. This can be a great push at the beginning of a climbing session or as a fun finale to your class.