On August 1, 1981, MTV aired its very first broadcast and became a driving force in music culture, providing countless unforgettable moments. Riding to the tracks that once graced the screens of early MTV will evoke nostalgia for your older participants while introducing your younger riders to the roots of music video culture. So, let’s hop on our bikes, immerse ourselves in the magic of MTV’s inception, and pedal to the rhythms that defined an era of music television. Read more…

This article in Bicycling magazine discusses the the mental and emotional benefits of riding a bike. Please share the reasons why you are so passionate about indoor cycling. What has it helped you overcome? Have you made important decisions after an amazing ride? Have you felt at peace with a troubling event or decision you had to make? Have you resolved conflicts with family or friends? I certainly know I have. Leave your comments so we all can celebrate.Read more…

This year, I want to challenge you to reach new heights in your coaching. This may mean moving out of your own comfort zone. It’s something we ask of our riders all the time; how about ourselves? What can we do to push ourselves, to take risks, to put ourselves out there in front of our students and announce to the world that we aren’t afraid of growth?Read more…

One of the best ways to grow as an instructor is to attend other instructors’ classes. You can assess what you like and what you don’t like, you can look for similarities with your style, and you can seek out coaching styles that you would like to adopt. And if you suspect you may have a bad habit, you can ask yourself poignant questions like, “Is that what I sound like when I yell ‘Go!’ all the time?” Here are 30 things to evaluate when you take another class.Read more…