Friday Favorites: Getting Over Boy Band Belittling?
This boy band song hits a chord in the millennial brain!Read more…
This boy band song hits a chord in the millennial brain!Read more…
What are earworms, really? Usually an earworm is a fragment of music, three or four bars, which go round and round and round in the mind.Read more…
A good song for lifts (or jumps) requires a steady 4/4 beat, and it helps if the song is unmistakable. This track delivers! Read more…
This song lets you know it’s time for “put-your-head-down-lose-yourself” intensity.Read more…
Turn your next cycle class into group therapy with this “happiness drill”!Read more…
This song is a gorgeous alt-pop fugue!Read more…
Cuz the playlist isn’t just about us, right? It’s about hitting different demographics. Read more…
With so much emotional power at work, it’s a nice song to use for surge intervals.Read more…
I’ve played this song in my class four times, and the response was immediate: people loved the beat; the gorgeous, airy soprano voice; the energy. My first clue was the head bobbing!Read more…
What is remarkable about the music is the genre—”post-rock”—definitely rock, but absent the guitar hooks, with more instrumentals and an ambient sound.Read more…
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