interval training

Knowledgeable instructors are effective instructors. Deepening your understanding of exercise physiology allows you to be that capable teacher whose students achieve their fitness, weight loss, or health goals. When you know how human metabolic systems operate and how to harness them in a training session, your classes will be purposeful and your participants will feel confident following your lead. This exercise physiology primer is the preface for our interval training series.Read more…

interval training

Knowledgeable instructors are effective instructors. Deepening your understanding of exercise physiology allows you to be that capable teacher whose students achieve their fitness, weight loss, or health goals. When you know how human metabolic systems operate and how to harness them in a training session, your classes will be purposeful and your participants will feel confident following your lead. This exercise physiology primer is the preface for our interval training series.Read more…

sweating bike

Josephine has a rider who loves to sit right in front of the fan, but she never sweats. Is this good or bad? She also wonders if sweating plays a role in weight loss. We turn to the ultimate expert, Dr. Jennifer Klau, who did her master’s thesis on sweat. Dr. Klau’s answer goes way beyond this question and will help you understand the physiology of sweating at a much deeper level so you can inform your riders correctly about what it means…and even more importantly, what it doesn’t mean. Read more…