We are so excited to have Jennifer Klau on the ICA Team, this time with a few additional letters after her name! She brings with her so much wisdom as well as humor. Jennifer is skilled in all aspects of teaching and coaching, but we will especially rely on her for the science behind the sport. Jennifer Klau (alias JFK) received her Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology from the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Connecticut in 2011. She also earned her M.A. there in 2007. Jennifer holds a B.S. in Communication from Boston University.
A certified research geek, Jen loves explaining science in (mostly) plain English and de-bunking exercise myths new and old. Perhaps because she spent her formative years in the isolating environment of competitive swim training, another of Jennifer’s passions is helping her students tap into their mental strength. And yes, she’ll explain the science behind it, too.
Jen was a Master Instructor for the Spinning program for 8 years and she is thrilled to continue the teaching journey through ICA. When she can escape the lab and/or her computer, Jen can be found acquiring power data on her road bike, or seeking stillness (it’s a challenge) on her yoga mat. For reasons she still can’t figure out, Jennifer has cycled Mt. Washington six times. Jen is certified by ACSM as a Health Fitness Specialist.
I borrowed the punch line from The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel movie as we were climbing hard, and everybody chuckled:
“Everything will be alright at the end; and if it’s not alright, it’s not yet the end”
It worked!
Thanks Jennifer for sharing your fabulous cueing skills
Le xx
Another excellent resource to add to my library, thank you Jennifer! When I do these type of intervals, I like to think of it like the lottery…”you have to be in it to win it!!!”
It’s almost like you’ve been reading my mind, as I have been looking for EXACTLY this. Thank you, Jennifer.
If it doesn’t CHALLENGE you, it doesn’t CHANGE you!
I lover your cues and how they fall within the various categories. One cue I would add is “You are stronger than you think!” It’s a mantra that I try to coach my students to say to themselves.
Your words mean a lot to me Mairead. I am inspired when I am able to provide valuable information to help other instructors!
I am always looking for words to inspire… using yours inspires me and makes my students and I better and better. You are simply marvelous! This tiny amount of money I pay for the membership at Indoor Cycling Association is such an investment. Please keep up the great work Ms. Sage !