Welcome to the Indoor Cycling Association
Should Indoor Cycling Instructors Use a Goniometer?
More and more indoor cycling instructors come to class equipped with goniometers. But are they really helpful? Are instructors using them correctly? Many instructors do not know how to use them, and they are not as helpful as you think.Read more…
85 Ways to Play The Fool in Your Classes!
It’s time to be a little less serious! Here are 85 fun songs to keep your riders smiling in your April Fool’s theme ride. I bet some of them never crossed your mind! Please add to this list if you have any more suggestions, and let us know if you play any jokes on your riders. Read more…
Master Class: The Paris-Roubaix, the “Hell of the North”
The 2015 Paris-Roubaix is April 12th—why not get your riders ready now? You are going to LOVE this profile from last year! We looked to someone who is a fanatic about the Spring Classics bicycle races and is also an exceptional indoor cycling instructor, Matt Scheffer. Put the two together and you have an emotional, challenging, fun profile. This race is so full of history and drama, you can’t help but have a great time as you visualize the pavé (the rugged cobbled sections of the brutal 160-mile race).
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The Power Couple: Combining Heart Rate and Watts
Measuring power in cycling has been all the rage for a number of years. Many of the athletes I train as a coach are enamored with the amount of watts they generate. The ability to measure power output for a given effort is an excellent representation of the amount of work being produced, but does it tell the entire story?Read more…
Think Lawsuits Don’t Happen In the Spinning Studio? Think Again…
Today, a man was awarded €15,000 in Ireland after sustaining an injury when a pedal fell off while in a Spinning class. There are those who believe I am being alarmist, but being wise about liability has always been an important part of being in the service industry, especially fitness. This includes equipment maintenance as well as adhering to proven safe training methods.Read more…
Do You Stretch On The Bike in Your Cycling Or Spinning Classes?
I posted this on the ICA Facebook page the other day, as well as in one of the indoor cycling forums on Facebook, and it caused a firestorm. I’d love your thoughts on the subject of stretching on the bike in your indoor cycling or Spinning class.Read more…
Power to the Masses, Part 4: Form
Over the past three weeks, we have provided three alternative methods of introducing and using power in your indoor cycling classes—Power CTW. We look forward to feedback on the methods you tried and how your riders responded. To keep track of all of those powerful efforts, we have created a form that your riders can use. Download it here. Two versions of the form are included: one using power-to-weight in pounds, and the other in kilograms.Read more…
The Hills and Dales of Ireland—Saint Paddy’s Day Profile From the Archives
Here is a simple rolling hills profile set to Irish music. You’re either going up or down on this ride through the bonny green hills of Eire, on narrow roads lined with low stone fences through green pastures dotted with sheep, on your way to meet friends at the Mystic Celt Pub. How’s that for a visual as you ride? Ride responsibly!Read more…
Is Indoor Cycling Bringing You to Your Knees?
A well-written article that sheds light on knee pain and injuries, while demonstrating the level of knowledge indoor cycling instructors need to balance out the focus on fun, community, and music.Read more…
St. Patrick’s Day Song List 2015 (and an Irish Joke To Tell Your Classes)!
Here is our new updated St. Patrick’s Day song list for 2015, with 121 fun songs to use in your profiles. I also included a really fun joke you can tell your class during your St. Paddy’s Day theme ride. Erin Go Bragh!Read more…