In the cycling world, the concept of base training is being turned on its head. If this is being questioned for outdoor cyclists, how on earth would it apply to indoor cyclists to spend hours at low intensities? If you’ve ever questioned whether you should be teaching your 45- or 60-minute classes in Zone 2 (65%–75% MHR), you may want to read this post.Read more…

Several people have asked me how to structure a 90-minute profile, and at what intensity it should be taught. Here is the outline of my 90-minute sub-threshold endurance class this week. I also give you a modified version that allows for some high-intensity intervals above threshold. The balance of intensity is extremely important to consider as your duration exceeds one hour.Read more…

A new instructor posed this excellent question, and because it depends on so many caveats, I am creating a series out of this topic. Part 1 provides the most basic, short-term way to assess how hard or easy your class is for your riders. But instructors, get ready to do a little self-analysis—I’ve got some homework for you. This series may very well pave the path to tremendous personal growth!Read more…


Indoor cycling endurance classes are a lose-lose situation. Low-intensity, steady-state classes are hated by your fitness enthusiast (or non-outdoor rider), and the fact that you attempt to deliver an endurance class to your outdoor riders within 60 minutes is just enough to tick them off. Instructors that try to force these mind-numbing, ineffective classes down riders’ throats will receive the same response as parents telling children to eat some nasty-tasting food because it is good for them. Some of you right now are possibly confused, stunned, angry, unfriending me from Facebook… What in the name of Keep it Real is Tom talking about?!Read more…

One of my favorite visualizations for endurance rides for fifteen years now has been the image of a cheetah running in slow motion. I’d have my students close their eyes and watch the cheetah in their mind’s eye and then seek to be catlike in their own motion. Well…you won’t believe the stunning video that I discovered!Read more…

ICA members are in for a phenomenal coaching treat. Bryon Black is a master of an instructor (not an MI, but he should be!) who excels at endurance rides and engaging his students. He shares with you some amazing ways to keep your students focused and how to connect withRead more…