Theme Ride Thursday: It’s a Family Affair! Use This Profile for International Day of Families

May 15 is International Day of Families, a global occasion established by the United Nations to recognize the importance of family and raise awareness about the challenges they face. It’s a day to honor the people who bring love, support, and encouragement into our lives, whether they are family by blood or by choice. What better way to mark this day than with an indoor cycling class that celebrates with a playlist inspired by the theme of family?

Below you’ll find our bucket playlist with over 230 songs that celebrate different aspects of family life, from parents to siblings to children. You can find classic songs that bring back memories of your childhood or upbeat anthems that remind you of joyful family gatherings. Whether you’re looking for an emotional track to reflect on or a high-energy song to power through a tough interval, there’s something for everyone.

For instructors who want a ready-made class profile, ICA contributor Fern Stancer created a ride called “It’s A Family Affair.” This interval-based workout offers challenging sections that push your limits while allowing you to reflect on the people who make life meaningful. As your riders work through the tough intervals, encourage them to think about a family member who inspires them. It could be a parent who always believed in them, a grandparent who shared wisdom, or a sibling who’s always there when they need support.

To keep things fun and light, consider adding a short, silly song during a recovery period. This quick 50-second track can give everyone a chance to catch their breath and share a laugh. It’s a great way to break up the intensity and remind everyone that family moments are also about joy and laughter.

Another idea is to honor your “cycling family.” If you’ve been teaching the same group for a while, encourage riders to share their stories about why they love coming to class or what they appreciate about their cycling community. A personal touch like this serves to build a sense of camaraderie and inspire everyone to give their best effort as they pedal together through the most challenging intervals.

You can use this theme for Canada’s Family Day, celebrated on the third Monday in February, or any other day when you want to highlight the bonds that connect us. After all, families aren’t just those we’re born into—they can be found in our friendships and in our cycling studio.

Enjoy the ride, and remember that families, however you define them, make life’s journey worth pedaling through. 🚴‍♂️🚴‍♀️

As usual, if you have a great song or two that we might be missing in our bucket playlist, let us know in the comments! We’d love to hear your suggestions.


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