Precision Intervals: Threshold and VO2 Max

This intense interval-based profile by Fern Stancer challenges riders with a strategic mix of threshold (Zone 4) and VO2 max (Zone 5) efforts, each performed at a distinct cadence. The goal is to highlight how leg speed influences both physiological response and perceived exertion, pushing riders to new limits.

Following a progressive warm-up from Zone 2 to Zone 6, the ride consists of three structured sets, each targeting a different cadence. Within each set, riders first sustain a 5-minute threshold effort (Z4) before tackling a shorter, more intense 3-minute VO2 max effort (Z5).

This profile is as much a mental challenge as a physical one. Riders will gain insight into how cadence, intensity, and duration interact—discovering whether the shorter VO2 max efforts feel more manageable or if their intensity outweighs the reduced time. It’s an opportunity to test limits, build resilience, and refine pedal stroke efficiency under fatigue.

Precision Intervals: Threshold and VO2 Max (Main Profile PDF) 

Precision Intervals: Threshold and VO2 Max (Express Profile PDF and Excel)
If you use Google Drive, you can copy the spreadsheet here

Precision Intervals: Threshold and VO2 Max Spotify Playlist

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