You have done your preparation; now you are ready for the interview. So how do you actually go about talking to the reporter? This is perhaps the most important segment of this series so far, but stay tuned for Part 5, in which we will tell you how to go out and find your own coverage in your local media for your class, studio, program, or event.Read more…

You’ve been there. It was a hard day at work. You’re coming down with a cold. You’ve got other pressing issues on your mind. And, you have to go teach. Normally you love teaching. But today? Not so much. How do you deal? Here are 5 strategies to make sure you give a professional performance when you don’t feel up to it.Read more…

Bill Roach has had students request Christian music for his playlists, and Jennifer Sage has had instructors who have requested Christian music suggestions for ICA. Have you had these requests from your students? What have you done? Bill gives you some ideas for how to approach this kind of request, with input from Jennifer Sage, Gene Nacey, and Tom Scotto. We provide you with some song suggestions from this genre, and welcome all of your own. Please give us your input on this potentially touchy subject!Read more…