Effective-Intros and-Outros

Many thoughtful instructors spend a great amount of time developing wonderful playlists combining strong physiological sequencing with impactful music. Yet many of these same instructors ad lib the beginning and end of class without much prior thought. Here are some specific things you can do to strengthen the impact of your intros and outros, while creating an atmosphere of trust and community.Read more…

Do you like to be yelled at or do you like to be listened to? Will you perform better for someone yelling in your ear, or with gentle encouragement from someone you trust? I ask you to consider the idea of “gentle coaching” as you develop your own unique coaching style. Even if your natural style is more authoritative, you may find some ideas here that will help you personalize and expand your appeal to your students.Read more…

Fear can be a powerful motivator, especially in the short term. In fitness, this manifests itself as working out because of a doctor’s warning, or fear of gaining weight. In the long term, we are always better when we can live our lives—and pursue a fit lifestyle—in love. There are steps cycling coaches can take to help riders make the transition, thus improving their chances of a lifetime commitment to fitness.Read more…

We recognize that “you must do this to be healthy” is a poor motivator for most people. Our physical and emotional needs are too complex and too conflicted to respond to a simple “if, then” approach. Higher functions like these are addressed better by more intrinsic motivational factors, namely autonomy, mastery, and purpose.Read more…

Energy in science can neither be created nor destroyed. What about energy in your classroom? Energy is one of the primary things that distinguishes a good class from a poor one. A class with good energy is almost always a good class. A class without energy is, well, dead. Here are tips to keep the energy high.Read more…

Bill arrives at the studio to teach his class, but there is a construction team at the front of the room, just minutes before class starts. What does he do? Learn from Bill’s experience in effectively managing a challenging situation, and apply it to others that you might encounter. Your response will have an effect on how your riders respond!Read more…