weird music dr spock

Maybe we’re weird, but we love to use humorous and crazy songs in our classes. We’ve put together a playlist of some of our favorite weird music for you. Some have ludicrous or whimsical lyrics, some have comical sound effects or composition that make these tracks so fun or funny. Throw a few of these into your profile and you’re sure to get some thumbs-ups and giggles!Read more…

something about us

While Valentine’s Day may be a sensitive holiday for those not head-over-heels in love with someone, it’s definitely my favorite theme to curate. This playlist celebrates breakups, makeups, and everything in between. The music is eclectic, or as I like to call it, all over the place. I promise you, there’s something for everyone! Sound like fun? Great—grab your water and pour your heart and soul into this ride!Read more…