This is a great question for new instructors about how often to repeat music and profiles. I give my advice, but I’d love it if some of you longtime instructors can share what your experience with this is. It may partially depend on the market and culture of your facility, but mostly it depends on your style and tolerance.Read more…

On one of the Friday Favorite song suggestions for a flat road at 90 rpm, an ICA member was unsure how much to stand and how to invite students to take breaks on long songs like that. He asked, “How do I invite students to take a break while on a flat road? Are we talking about standing breaks? If so, they would need more resistance to stand, right?”
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Christine Nielsen was recently diagnosed with cancer. She is graciously writing a series of articles as she goes through her treatments and has an uncanny way of drawing parallels from life to what we do as indoor cycling instructors. This article on being a “newbie” cancer patient might inspire you to contemplate a little more deeply about the challenges our brand-new students face.Read more…

Do you talk too much when you are teaching your classes? Do you have this internal dialogue when you see your students looking back at you after you’ve given them a cue? “They’re staring at me. I better say something! I know they’re bored, I can tell! Look, someone just stood up…Oh no! They hate me!”
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If you’ve been teaching longer than a few years you will have perhaps hundreds of playlists. If you are new at this game (and even if you’re not), here are some simple tips and tricks to help you organize your songs into easy to manage folders so you can find that PERFECT song when you need it. Plus I’ve got an iTunes hack I’ve recently discovered that helps you know more about your song usage. Read more…

Part 2 of Gene’s amazing Chapter 17, truly a pinnacle of tips for teaching with power. In this segment, you will learn whether “competitions” in classes are truly legitimate if power is so different from bike to bike, and what to do when bikes differ. Because this is so common with power bikes, you NEED this information! Read more…

Teach with Power

This is the money chapter in this e-book on teaching with power! Even though bikes with power are increasing, instructors aren’t receiving the education they need to teach with power properly. Gene gives six “Dos” and six “Don’ts” when teaching with power, and lists numerous tips and tricks to increase your effectiveness when teaching with this amazing tool. (Part 2 of this chapter will post tomorrow)Read more…

The term “Keep it Real” in regards to indoor cycling has gotten a bad rap lately. This subject has been talked about a lot lately on online forums and websites, so it’s time to put the stake in the ground and describe exactly what it means and what it does NOT mean. I wrote the e-book Keep it Real in 2008, and wrote the workshop for Spinning® in 2006 which was based on that concept, so I have skin in this game.Read more…