Welcome to the Indoor Cycling Association
OCD: Get Yourself Connected
This drill is perfect for those who are just learning how to teach with power. It shows your riders very clearly how heart rate response can be very different at different cadences, even when output is the same. This drill may become a “light bulb moment” for your riders and their understanding of how power—and their body—works! For that reason, it may be the most important educational drill in your repertoire.Read more…
What Can Cycling Instructors Learn From Business Presentations?
I’ve taken 10 tips from a Business Insider article on overcoming nervousness and channeling energy into a more productive presentation and applied them to the indoor cycling instructor. Many thanks to ICA member Moritz Geissler for sending me this link!Read more…
The Mental Aspect of Coaching
HOW coaches communicate with their athletes is just as important as WHAT they communicate. Coaching is about developing relationships with your students, and helping them grow as athletes. When an athlete is coached properly, they are more likely to increase their effort, and perform at a higher level.Read more…
Functional Threshold Power: What it Is and Why it Matters
If you are fortunate enough teach in facility with bikes that have power meters, you might be wondering about how to use this tool most effectively in your classes. The first step is to establish a benchmark value to help define intensity and structure class profiles.Read more…
Where Do We Go From Here?, Part 2
In part 1 we identified the wall we can hit when trying to keep things fun, exciting, and continually effective in our classes. No one really likes to be in maintenance mode. So how do we reinvigorate our classes so they stay clear of maintenance mode fitness?Read more…
Where Do We Go From Here?, Part 1
We can find ourselves asking this question when we are lost, after we have achieved a goal, or when our limit has been reached. Regardless of how you arrive at the question, the situation is the same and there is a feeling of being stuck or stalled. This feeling is a common issue among indoor cycling instructors, but not for the reason one might think.Read more…
How to Remove a Stuck Cleat from a Pedal
You go to unclip and find that your cleat is stuck. What do you do next? Find out in today’s how-to video.Read more…
Ask The Expert: Handling Negative Feedback
Let’s face it: rejection hurts. Today we tackle negative student feedback, how to handle it, and moving past it.Read more…
Leap Year Profile
Leap year comes around once every four years—it’s a great opportunity to ask your riders to squeeze out one last effort to honor this unique moment. Lisa Pucelik provided this profile four years ago—it’s time to bring it out again! Read more…
Kick-Butt Team Competition Cycling Profile
Get ready for another butt-kicking profile from Bill Pierce! This profile allows participants to get their competitive juices flowing as they challenge themselves in a non-intimidating, team-oriented competition. Read more…