Welcome to the Indoor Cycling Association
Overcoming Objections in Cycling Class, Part 2: Combating other Instructors’ Ways, Headphones, Cell Phones, and Always Late/Leaving Early
Sara Pomish gives us suggestions on how to #keepitreal in the cycling room when overcoming student objections. Read more…
OCD: The Paceline Drill
Obsessed with Cycling Drills: Paceline drills are a fantastic way to simulate a group ride or racing scenario such as a Tour de France stage. They are also a fun way to do intervals. You can design an entire profile around this drill, or simply insert a paceline into any profile. You will be surprised how quickly the time passes when you keep your riders engaged in this manner!Read more…
My Cycling Class Today: The Importance of Proper Bike Setup
Just because someone has been riding for a while doesn’t mean they’ve ever been walked through a proper bike setup by an instructor.Read more…
Ask the Expert: What If an Instructor Won’t Allow Air-Conditioning in a Spinning Class?
As temperatures rise, the topic of AC and fans in the studio heats up too. Learn the guidelines for temperature and ventilation in an indoor cycling room, the physiology of how the body regulates temperature, and the potential dangers of excessive heat.Read more…
Ask the Expert: Are Incomplete Recoveries OK in Spinning Classes?
Tracy asks an excellent question about insufficient recovery in Spinning classes. The answer is “it depends”! You earn the right to create these kinds of profiles because you regularly train your riders with properly conducted intervals that have sufficient recovery *most* of the time.Read more…
Using Positive Reinforcement to Create Change
Use positive reinforcement to highlight students’ skills, positive efforts, and improvements to increasing the frequency of specific behaviors.Read more…
From Your Heart to Theirs
Got a used heart rate monitor sitting in a drawer? Wanting to upgrade to a fancier monitor and not sure what to do with your current one? Why not donate it to Cori Parks, who is starting a wellness program in the Philippines for those who have little incentive to exercise? Read here on how to donate yours now! Read more…
Instructor Self-Care
You’ve heard the saying ” You can’t pour from an empty cup,” but how do we refill it? In today’s article we walk you through learning to identify stressors, thinking about your options, and creating a plan for self-care. It all begins with you and doing what’s best for you.Read more…
Overcoming Objections in Cycling Class, Part 1: Contraindications, Attire, and Fans
Overcoming objections in cycling class is something we deal with frequently. Knowing how to deal with them will ensure a safe, comfortable class for all. Today’s topics include contraindications, attire, and the use of fans.Read more…
High-Intensity Creative Cueing, Part 4: Sprints
For this final edition of the high-intensity creative cueing series, you’ll learn very specific cues to direct your riders to execute a proper explosive sprint. Our bonus cue is a humorous analogy that will not only make your riders giggle, but will also serve as a light-bulb moment to help reinforce exactly what you mean by giving it your all, and recovering sufficiently.Read more…