18 months ago, following a rash of press that Spinning®, and even just plain cardio, is “bad” for you, Dr. Jennifer Klau and I got together to discuss the lack of science behind these claims. Originally the audio for this interview was for members only, but I am resurrecting this and making it free for everyone to hear. This discussion specifically goes into debunking a Charles Poliquin article about the “negatives of aerobic training”.Read more…


Indoor cycling endurance classes are a lose-lose situation. Low-intensity, steady-state classes are hated by your fitness enthusiast (or non-outdoor rider), and the fact that you attempt to deliver an endurance class to your outdoor riders within 60 minutes is just enough to tick them off. Instructors that try to force these mind-numbing, ineffective classes down riders’ throats will receive the same response as parents telling children to eat some nasty-tasting food because it is good for them. Some of you right now are possibly confused, stunned, angry, unfriending me from Facebook… What in the name of Keep it Real is Tom talking about?!Read more…

I’m beyond irritated. After watching a couple of online instructor videos and listening to others talk about how cycling is an amazing full-body workout that targets the core, I almost don’t know where to begin. Unfortunately, it demonstrates the lack of science, training, and knowledge that should be required to call oneself an indoor cycling instructor. Those of us who are keeping the indoor cycling industry effective and real have done it via our own determination and quest for knowledge.Read more…

Tara asks, “How would you describe how you should be feeling at 75%, 80%, 85%, and 90% of maximum heart rate?” This may possibly be the best question of the year! When you can help your students hone in to what various intensities should feel like, you can help them not only understand how their bodies respond at various intensities, but also where their threshold likely lies. This article tells you how you can make sense of MHR zones, and is the beginning of another wonderfully educational series on heart rate and perceived exertion!Read more…

In this very interesting FREE audio interview with Jennifer Klau, PhD, we discuss almost everything you’ll want to know about HR Training. Warning: it may shake your beliefs about heart rate training too! In this interview, Dr. Klau and I discuss the evolution and validity of the Max Heart Rate formula. ThisRead more…