In part 1, I provided six general tips for teaching switchbacks, including how many, how often, how long, and how to use the music. In part 2, you will find five different scenarios for designing and cueing your switchbacks to make your classes more exciting and engaging, increasing your coaching repertoire and improving your visualization and motivation skills.
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You are going to LOVE this profile! In 2021, I updated it with a new soundtrack. There are three profiles and playlists available, including our original created by Matt Scheffer, a fanatic about the Spring Classics bicycle races and an exceptional indoor cycling instructor. It’s an emotional, challenging, and very fun profile to offer your students, even those who might never have heard of the Paris–Roubaix. This race is so full of history and drama, you can’t help but have a great time as you visualize the pavé (the rugged cobbled sections of the brutal 160-mile race). Read more…

Before I contribute a few of my favorite climbing strategies, I want to share my perspective on climbing. Because I’m mostly a sprinter, one might wonder what climbing strategies I have to offer. Well, if anyone has strategies for climbing, it would be a person who knows suffering is always involved.Read more…

Climbing big mountains is a rite of passage for cyclists. Getting you and your bicycle up that hill in defiance of gravity is one of the most difficult aspects of riding a bicycle, but it is also one of the great attractions to cycling. Overcoming the mountain challenges you—it bares your soul; it asks you to perform beyond what you thought was even possible. Over the next few weeks, Tom and I will be giving you our favorite strategies—both physical and mental—to get you and your students over that hump. We’ll be drawing from our own experience climbing long, hard mountains.Read more…

Obsessed with Cycling Drills: Paceline drills are a fantastic way to simulate a group ride or racing scenario such as a Tour de France stage. They are also a fun way to do intervals. You can design an entire profile around this drill, or simply insert a paceline into any profile. You will be surprised how quickly the time passes when you keep your riders engaged in this manner!Read more…

In the cycling world, the concept of base training is being turned on its head. If this is being questioned for outdoor cyclists, how on earth would it apply to indoor cyclists to spend hours at low intensities? If you’ve ever questioned whether you should be teaching your 45- or 60-minute classes in Zone 2 (65%–75% MHR), you may want to read this post.Read more…

There’s even more great news about the benefits of exercise—this time it’s been discovered that it will help our brain health. But not just ANY ole’ exercise. To reap these benefits, you need to have developed powerful legs, and cycling is the perfect place to build that strength and power. But heed this warning…it probably won’t happen if you prefer non-traditional methods of indoor cycling. Even more reason to #keepitreal and #rideright!Read more…