The New—and Not So New—New Year’s Resolutioners

There is something very powerful about a new year, a new month, even a new week, which marks a point in time for people to “change” something in their lives. The diet and fitness industry is replete with a sense of revision and metamorphosis, especially around the New Year.

What is your vision?

As a fitness professional, you have direct impact on the experience of all participants in your classes. This January, we all have the privilege of welcoming new and returning participants to our classes. And it is a privilege, because effecting positive change is not something that is available to everyone.

There is bound to be some friction between those individuals that have made your classes a priority in their weekly routine, and others who are venturing in with trepidation to a new, and potentially overwhelming, atmosphere. As a fitness professional, one way to deal with this situation is to create a message or a mission statement that will get all participants thinking about their own desired outcomes. If the focus is based on something they as an individual can manage, people are less likely to let other distractions sideline them.

Remembering that fitness and well-being are composed of mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health, consider starting off with a message that addresses one or all of these aspects. The theme doesn’t always have to be the same, but it should be compelling and impart a sense of being in control.

I’d like to start a conversation about positive messages we can bring to our classes. What values will you communicate to your participants in 2024 to assist them in creating a physically fit foundation in their life?

Personally, I have two and they are:

1) Honor your body. It was created to move. Do what you need to do today to find your potential.

2) There are four pillars of fitness that are 100% your choice. Consistency, frequency, duration, and intensity.

I’d love to hear any values that you would like to share, whether it’s something that you say each and every class or specific to welcoming the New Year and all the positive changes it brings. What possibilities are you looking to create within your space and time?

This article by Karyn Silenzi originally posted in 2018 but is timely at the start of any new year.


  1. Hi Karyn, January 2019 begins my 9th year of teaching spin. I have volunteered my time twice a week to our local Rec Center in PA with a current membership of over 8,000 members. I’ve seen my spin classes grow year after year even with all the new Les Mills classes that have become part of the fitness routine for many of our members. Some left me for Les Mills Body Pump, Body Combat, etc. But eventually I see them come back to spin. My classes have given me the opportunity to impact many people, young and older, over the past eight years of teaching. I attribute this to being a member of the ICA, reading the weekly posts, and taking time to attend an ICA class with Jennifer. When I see new faces arriving in my class, I take time to introduce myself, help them to set-up up their bike to insure a safe ride. If they are new to spin, I emphasize to them to work to their current level of fitness and realize that it will take 4 to 6 weeks to build the aerobic capacity needed to ride at a higher level. I tell them this class is not a competition between riders. My final words at the end of every class I teach is to remind them, “to keep it heart healthy right here in Zone 1. Share the rooms, but keep Zone 1 (which is the room I teach in) as part of their weekly fitness goals.” January let’s me remind everyone to make this year the best year ever and resolve to keep fitness a part of their daily life which will allow them to achieve whatever goals they have set for 2019 and the future. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I really enjoyed reading your post. The positive message is what I liked the most about it and the possibilities of effecting change just confirms why I love being a spin instructor. It helps create a personal satisfaction for our riders along with that feeling of satisfaction as an instructor knowing that we are helping someone transition into a fit and healthy person, no matter the age. Thanks again Karyn for sharing your thoughts on this subject!

    1. Author

      What a wonderful opportunity and message you have created Debby! I especially agree about the feeling of satisfaction, not only for your riders but also for you as a leader.

  2. Hello, I’ve been a spinning instructor for some one year, and my main mission has been considered to make my students understand, that their goals of whatever level are all valid and important. They all have the right to work for themselves in their own pace, and that I am here – depending on their goals and/or level – to lead them, to escort them or to join them on their own ways.

    1. Author

      Wonderful Beata!

  3. All great ideas.

    I encourage my riders to attach their fitness goals to their main life priority. For instance, if it’s family, I would encourage them to exercise as a way to stay connected with their family longer and better. More quality time with children and grandchildren. Keeping your thoughts on the life priority makes the exercise more connected to the rest of their lives.

    1. Author

      This is great information Bill, as always. You always have such great insight to share. Thank you!

  4. this is a great idea, Karyn, thanks!

    One thing I like to impress upon my new riders, or even longtime riders who may get discouraged, is that it takes time—our goals don’t happen overnight. I even need to remind myself that I need to be patient.

    Along those lines, it’s important to enjoy the process! It’s a journey, not a destination. Fitness is the same—you are much more likely to be successful in your fitness goals if you learn to enjoy the moment rather than always think about the end game—how many calories did I burn? How many pounds have I lost or can I lose?

    1. Author

      Absolutely! If it’s worth doing, it is worth enjoying. Great idea!

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