Every instructor should have a large pool of short recovery songs to choose from. Every profile, except a steady-state endurance ride, benefits from moments for a physical and mental break. Here are over 6,000 songs that work perfectly for your recovery tracks, broken into three bucket playlists (and yes! Believe me, you’ll need a lot!). One is for shorter songs and one is for when you need some longer (over 3:15) songs for easier segments. A third one gathers whole albums of short songs if you want a recovery theme. Both Spotify and Apple playlists are provided. Read more…

This cool-down track provides a steady rhythm that encourages riders to find their breath and reset after a challenging ride. Its soulful, uplifting message gently reminds us that even in the face of life’s difficulties, there is always a reason to persevere. The powerful lyrics inspire hope and resilience, making it a perfect way to transition from physical effort to a moment of reflection.Read more…

I received this question: “One of my riders asked me if indoor cycling is weight bearing enough to be beneficial for someone dealing with osteopenia. Any thoughts or insights or studies that I could pass along?” For the answer, I went to someone with far more knowledge than me. This is an important issue for all of us and our students, so make sure you are informed. Read more…