This is the final installment on the series by Bryon Black on Top Ten Tricks for Nailing Your Next Audition. This tip deserved its own article because of its impact. Get this one right and not only will you probably knock the socks off those in your audition, but it will establish your foundation as you progress as an indoor cycling coach. Incorporating this suggestion may change you; it will permeate how you create your profiles, how you coach your students, how you help them progress in their fitness, and how you grow as a person.Read more…

Here is Part 2 of Top Ten Tricks for Nailing Your Next Audition, or, as I like to subtitle it, How to Be a Really Good Instructor! Tips 4, 5 and 6 will help you look good, select an appropriate profile, and show them that you are indeed a professional indoor cycling instructor. (As we all are, even if you teach for free!)Read more…

Bryon Black has auditioned over 100 prospective new instructors as a co-director of his club’s cycling program. He brings you some valuable tips with so much meat on them that I’ve divided this into a 4-part series. The first three articles each cover three tips, and the final article is devoted to one incredible tip on its own; it’s that impactful. It will not only get you the job, but it will raise your own coaching to another level. In fact, most of these tips are excellent suggestions simply for being a better indoor cycling coach whether you are auditioning, or working at the same facility with the same students for over a decade!!Read more…

In Parts 1 and 2, we have discussed most of the necessary elements of building an engaging endurance ride, but there are two more elements, ACTION and YOU. This final edition of this series on teaching endurance or mind-body style classes helps you put it all together and understand howRead more…

Part two of this endurance coaching series focuses on using your voice and on your cueing, dialogue, and music as tools to engage your students and help facilitate their connection to their bike and to their breath. These coaching tips are not just for coaching an “endurance” ride, but anyRead more…

ICA members are in for a phenomenal coaching treat. Bryon Black is a master of an instructor (not an MI, but he should be!) who excels at endurance rides and engaging his students. He shares with you some amazing ways to keep your students focused and how to connect withRead more…