In the following video I will give you a tour of my iTunes library to demonstrate how I organize my playlists and music for indoor cycling. Along the way I will show you some tips and tricks for ordering your lists, using the BPM widget, building a playlist, laying out your profile, and calculating the time of multiple songs.Read more…

Profile objective: To vehemently defy the cycling cardio gods with a dance of strength. Think of performing 1260 single leg squats; this profile requires no imagination.

The mention of “dance of strength” was not just a fun euphemism; get ready to bring your bike and legs on the dance floor with some powerful EDM (electronic dance music).Read more…

What else can be done for a rider to improve their cadence range? I’ve got a rider who has been working with me for about a year and half. She is in her 50s and very fit. She runs, strength trains, and cycles about 2 times per week. She’s still unable to increase into the 90s. Her form and control are good and she can put out the watts, but just not at a high cadence. I know cadence ranges are individual and trainable, but is the 80s it for her?Read more…

It is often said that the answer to many important questions is “it depends.” There is no greater truth in the world of health and fitness. Great instructors know there are many variables and factors when dealing with the human body, how it is conditioned, and how to overcome injuries. Then there are the psychological battles and infusing motivation and inspiration. Here are three traits that I believe encapsulate our ICA members.Read more…

Measuring power in cycling has been all the rage for a number of years. Many of the athletes I train as a coach are enamored with the amount of watts they generate. The ability to measure power output for a given effort is an excellent representation of the amount of work being produced, but does it tell the entire story?Read more…

Over the past three weeks, we have provided three alternative methods of introducing and using power in your indoor cycling classes—Power CTW. We look forward to feedback on the methods you tried and how your riders responded. To keep track of all of those powerful efforts, we have created a form that your riders can use. Download it here. Two versions of the form are included: one using power-to-weight in pounds, and the other in kilograms.Read more…

Using a power to weight ratio is an easy and effective way to determine the amount of watts to target during various efforts. It is a very simple approach that is easy for instructors to use in classes where bikes with power meters are available. With any simple approach, there will be factors to consider for those who desire to be the exception.Read more…

“I have several triathletes and highly fit cyclists in some of my classes. A few of them seem to have really heavy, quad dominant downstrokes that results in what I “see” to be a highly inefficient circular pedal stroke. When in climbing position, these same “quad dominant” cyclists have a lot of hip rocking. (Not a ridiculous amount, but more than what a trained athlete should be doing if they are knowledgeable). I guess they are trying to really force the pedals down which, of course, leads to the inefficient stroke. My advice in class is to ”settle down” the hips. There should be some side to side, natural movement, but not overkill. If you settle down the hips a little, it forces a smoother stroke—especially the upward phase of pedal stroke. Am I right to say this?”Read more…