In the cycling world, the concept of base training is being turned on its head. If this is being questioned for outdoor cyclists, how on earth would it apply to indoor cyclists to spend hours at low intensities? If you’ve ever questioned whether you should be teaching your 45- or 60-minute classes in Zone 2 (65%–75% MHR), you may want to read this post.Read more…

TBT (Throwback Thursday) Have you ever had a brand-new student walk into class who required so much of your time that it took away from your ability to coach your class? How do you balance helping the new unfit person and catering to your regulars? Where do your responsibilities lie and where should the line be drawn? The suggestions presented here, while beneficial to all instructors, are especially helpful for newer instructors to indoor cycling.Read more…

The final segment of this series addresses two of the benefits of teaching off the bike that have the most impact: assessing intensity of your riders and teaching HIT intervals. You now have all the tools you need to be a highly effective indoor cycling coach who knows how to teach off the bike.Read more…