2022, you sucked! At least from the point of view of number of artists lost last year. Wow, it was hard to select songs for my tribute ride—I had to leave so many out. But here it is and I think you’ll enjoy it. As always, feel free to switch out songs from the bucket playlist of all the artists we lost—you may have some preferences different than mine.Read more…

Six-minute songs are quite useful for indoor cycling classes, so you need a wide variety to choose from when creating your playlists. You’ll use them for longer climbs, cadence work, focus drills, pacelines, and, of course, for the popular 3–2–1 Interval profiles and 6-minute Over/Under Intervals. We’ve got tons of 6-minute songs divided into five playlists of different tempos, making it even easier to select them for efforts at specific cadences.Read more…