Obsessed with Cycling Drills: Paceline drills are a fantastic way to simulate a group ride or racing scenario such as a Tour de France stage. They are also a fun way to do intervals. You can design an entire profile around this drill, or simply insert a paceline into any profile. You will be surprised how quickly the time passes when you keep your riders engaged in this manner!Read more…

This drill is perfect for those who are just learning how to teach with power. It shows your riders very clearly how heart rate response can be very different at different cadences, even when output is the same. This drill may become a “light bulb moment” for your riders and their understanding of how power—and their body—works! For that reason, it may be the most important educational drill in your repertoire.Read more…

The Face of the Clock is the foundation of all pedal stroke drills and should be a part of every instructor’s coaching repertoire. The way you present this drill can mean the difference between confusion and lightbulb moments for your riders. We provide you with 12 cues that should become part of your stockpile for the rest of your coaching life.Read more…

Welcome to our first installment of our newest series: OCD—Obsessed with Cycling Drills. Yes, we are definitely obsessive about everything to do with indoor cycling drills including the music, cues, and objective. Pressure Cooker does exactly what the name implies: it places the body under continuous and increasing pressure. You get to choose whether to put the muscles or lungs in the pressure cooker.Read more…