Welcome to the Indoor Cycling Association
Instructor and Studio Spotlight: Leslie Mueller of Pelō Fitness
Pelo isn’t the party-on-a-bike kind of fun you find in many West Coast studios. They keep the riding real with a very serious focus on educating their customers, but make sure that great music and fun are a part of the recipe. Leslie is confident that this is what elevates Pelo above their competition and drives their burgeoning success. Read more…
Teaching Off the Bike, Part 3
Part 3 of this series on effective coaching off the bike gives you the remainder of the 12 ways to make sure that you enjoy the process so that you can empower your students. Read more…
How Do You Know If Your Class Is Too Hard or Too Easy, Part 2
Part 2 of knowing whether your class is too hard or too easy means digging in deeper into what “hard” really means and how to convey it to your riders. I link to seven articles to help ensure you fully understand this level of effort. This includes 23 cues to empower your riders to give everything they have to reach the level of effort to actually realize the HIT benefits. Otherwise, they’re awash in mediocrity.Read more…
OCD: Face of the Clock
The Face of the Clock is the foundation of all pedal stroke drills and should be a part of every instructor’s coaching repertoire. The way you present this drill can mean the difference between confusion and lightbulb moments for your riders. We provide you with 12 cues that should become part of your stockpile for the rest of your coaching life.Read more…
Teaching Off the Bike, Part 2
We have 12 ways to make sure that you enjoy the process of teaching off the bike and engage your riders so well that they hang on every word (or moments of silence). These tips are for when you have to be off the bike for an entire class, whether it be due to injury, giving up your bike for a member, teaching a large number of classes during the week, or any other reason. The first 6 are here in part 2 of this series, and the remainder in part 3.Read more…
The End of The World IS Coming (Again!)
Did you know the world will be ending September 28, 2015? When it doesn’t, you can use this profile anytime someone predicts the end of the world, or how about for Halloween! This profile is all about engaging the imagination and sense of humor of your class members, and using that energy to motivate them as you take them through a series of high-intensity efforts while they ride for their lives! Read more…
Caught in the Pursuit
Billy Coburn finds himself in the new, digitally enhanced, competitive indoor cycling game at Equinox called The Pursuit. He lives to tell the tale…and he can’t wait to get back to try it again!Read more…
Why Would (or Should) You Teach an Entire Class Off the Bike?, Part 1
This highly educational series on teaching off the bike first appeared in 2011. It’s a very popular topic, so we are bringing this new and improved version back to the forefront. Part 1 discusses why teaching the entire class off the bike can be effective. Part 2 will provide 11 specific tips and tricks for doing so. Parts 3 and 4 will give advice on getting off the bike occasionally in the most effective manner to provide motivation and correction. This series, worthy of CECs, will help launch your coaching to the next level.Read more…
Do You REALLY Need Supplements…Or Do You Value Your Wallet?
I’m not a big fan of supplements. But I am a huge fan of evidenced-based medicine, nutrition, and (as you probably can guess if you know me at all!) fitness and cycling. So it probably doesn’t surprise you that I read quite a lot about nutrition. Basically, what I’ve beenRead more…
TBT (From the Archives) The Coaches Corner: Using Your Coaching Radar
TBT (Throwback Thursday): We will be reaching into our archives for special articles to help you on your instructor journey. In 2011, Janet Toussaint inspired our members to take the steps necessary to transform from being an “instructor” to being a “coach”; one who seeks to get to know his or her students, inspiring them to discover and attain their potential. This article discusses your “coaching radar” and how to use it.Read more…