Welcome to the Indoor Cycling Association
Lessons Off The Bike
Alisha Shulter is an indoor cycling instructor who recently taught her first class off the bike. But, she hadn’t planned on doing it that way. The results, however, were magical and taught her a lot about herself and her students. She wrote this blog post about it and gave me permission to share it with you here at ICA.Read more…
Audio Master Class: EDM Muscle Madness
Profile objective: To vehemently defy the cycling cardio gods with a dance of strength. Think of performing 1260 single leg squats; this profile requires no imagination.
The mention of “dance of strength” was not just a fun euphemism; get ready to bring your bike and legs on the dance floor with some powerful EDM (electronic dance music).Read more…
A Peek Into My iTunes Organization, Part 2
Last week I posted a video of my iTunes filing system, a result of years of trial and error to find the best way to organize and categorize songs so that making playlists for profiles will be much easier. Here are some close-up screenshots of my category folders and playlists. In addition to organization, this will give you ideas for naming your profiles as well as many fun theme ride ideas!Read more…
Quarantining a Bad Attitude in Class
This article on managing a participant’s bad attitude by guest contributor Nancy Korf is very relevant to any type of group fitness class. It is a situation that many of us have encountered in our cycling classes so we wanted to share it with you. There are some real gems in the advice she gives here!Read more…
Ask the Expert: Getting Fast or Getting Frustrated
What else can be done for a rider to improve their cadence range? I’ve got a rider who has been working with me for about a year and half. She is in her 50s and very fit. She runs, strength trains, and cycles about 2 times per week. She’s still unable to increase into the 90s. Her form and control are good and she can put out the watts, but just not at a high cadence. I know cadence ranges are individual and trainable, but is the 80s it for her?Read more…
Confession: I Played “Mack the Knife” In My Cycling Class!
I have a 75-year-old rider named Sally who mentioned she didn’t know any of my music (even though I play a lot of classic rock). So I came to class equipped with a song she was sure to know, and it brought a huge smile to her face—as well as my other riders! It’s the perfect beat for a flat road. Do you have any special classics you play for your older riders?Read more…
Great Resources and Videos to Liven Up Your Paris-Roubaix Profile!
Are you teaching a Paris-Roubaix profile this week (or anytime), or would you like to? The Paris-Roubaix, nicknamed the Hell of the North, is an iconic one-day race in northern France with a very storied past dating back to 1896. It includes long sections on cobblestones, which are brutal toRead more…
Tips For Organizing Your iTunes Library To Make Playlist Creation Easier
Come take a tour with me through my iTunes to see how I organize my music into folders and general playlists, as well as my individual playlists for my class profiles. These tips may save you many hours as you create your own playlists with much less hassle!Read more…
Are You a Great Instructor? It Depends.
It is often said that the answer to many important questions is “it depends.” There is no greater truth in the world of health and fitness. Great instructors know there are many variables and factors when dealing with the human body, how it is conditioned, and how to overcome injuries. Then there are the psychological battles and infusing motivation and inspiration. Here are three traits that I believe encapsulate our ICA members.Read more…
Grand Rapids Indoor Cycling Studio Rides Real and Gets to Talk About it On TV!
Meet Kari Stuart, co-owner of Symmetry Training and Fitness. Kari had an opportunity to be featured on her local news station to highlight how indoor cycling can be used as great cross-training for runners. She also made it a point to emphasize fun, safe, and effective cycling with no dancing or weights!Read more…