There are so many things I am grateful for in my life, and one of them is YOU, not only the members of ICA but for everyone who reads what I write and follows what I’ve been doing. YOU make everything worthwhile! Wayne Dyer said, “Doing what you love isRead more…

Like the Halloween theme song list, this Thanksgiving song list has been collected over many years, from many sources including other instructors and indoor cycling forums. We’re giving it to you as a sortable spreadsheet, with categories of food, gratitude, family, happy, Black Friday, and more. Like the Halloween themeRead more…

In this very interesting FREE audio interview with Jennifer Klau, PhD, we discuss almost everything you’ll want to know about HR Training. Warning: it may shake your beliefs about heart rate training too! In this interview, Dr. Klau and I discuss the evolution and validity of the Max Heart Rate formula. ThisRead more…

ICA Member Nancy is confused about the Spinning® Strength Energy Zone and how to define it and teach it: should it be ALL climbing? I have two answers – one from the former Spinning® MI and one from the reformed Master Instructor! 😉 Believe it or not, this was a confusion I encountered over 12 years of teaching Spinning® Orientations. It’s time to clear it up… . . .Read more…

To a cyclist, climbing represents baring one’s soul, enduring and overcoming suffering, and realizing accomplishments beyond what you’ve ever done in the past–all rolled into one. Climbing is the Zen of cycling. Bring some of these motivational visualizations and encouragements into your own coaching and empower your students like neverRead more…

Over the years I have gotten many inquiries from instructors, studio owners and even students asking me my opinion of Real Ryder bikes. So it’s about time I post what I think about these unique bikes that move. I love the Real Ryder! It makes you realize how easy it isRead more…