Welcome to the Indoor Cycling Association
The Hills and Dales of Ireland – Saint Paddy’s Day Profile
Here is a simple rolling hills profile set to Irish music to entertain your class. You’re either going up or down on this ride through the bonny green hills of Eire, on narrow roads lined with low stone fences through green pastures dotted with sheep, on your way to meetRead more…
Mastering the Endurance Ride, Part 2: Cueing, Dialogue, and Music
Part two of this endurance coaching series focuses on using your voice and on your cueing, dialogue, and music as tools to engage your students and help facilitate their connection to their bike and to their breath. These coaching tips are not just for coaching an “endurance” ride, but anyRead more…
Excellent article on IDEA – all cycling instructors please read this!
I just became aware of this excellent article from IDEA Health and Fitness Association on indoor cycling instruction. It’s by Martica Heaner, Ph.D. and is called A Smoother Ride. “Group Ex Skills & Drills: These 10 tips will motivate and inspire your indoor cycling class and keep people coming backRead more…
Mastering the Endurance Ride, Part 1: The Turning Point in Becoming a Complete Instructor
ICA members are in for a phenomenal coaching treat. Bryon Black is a master of an instructor (not an MI, but he should be!) who excels at endurance rides and engaging his students. He shares with you some amazing ways to keep your students focused and how to connect withRead more…
When to walk out of a Spinning® or Indoor Cycling class – my Twitter rant
If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter, you might have noticed that I cracked a little bit last week. I hit my tolerance threshold for crappy Spinning® and Indoor Cycling classes and went on a rant about the prevalence of improper instruction in so many cycling classes around theRead more…
“The Truth About Indoor Cycling Cadence,” Jennifer’s article on Active.com
The following is an article Jennifer wrote for Active.com. To read the article on the Active.com website, click here. Please share the link (or this blog) with your students, program managers, and instructor peers. As usual, your comments (both on the Active page and on this blog) are always appreciated!Read more…
How to do a Talk Test in an Indoor Cycling Setting
This is the cutting edge of indoor cycling instruction – using the Talk Test to help your students identify their Ventilatory Threshold and establish training zones. When a field test is too advanced or complicated for your members (at least initially) then a Talk Test is a low-tech easily administeredRead more…
Ask The Expert: Can this standing climb position be correct?
ICA member Kristen read in a book about cycling that suggested some serious maneuvers indoors to “mimic” the position of riding a bike outside up a steep hill. I conferred with fellow cyclists and Master Instructors Tom Scotto and Jennifer Klau, two people who know a whole lot about bothRead more…
Cycling Economy: burn fewer calories?
You’ve heard me talk about improving efficiency by helping students improve their technique. But did you know that doing so might decrease caloric burn? Yup, you heard me right. But wait! Don’t go deciding not to help students improve their form because you’re afraid they’ll mutiny if they knew aboutRead more…
Ask the Expert: Field test re-testing in a periodized program
You’ve decided to conduct a field test and teach your students about threshold-based training. You’ve been training for awhile with the new heart rate numbers, and you’re about to do your first re-test. Now what? How do you interpret the results? How do you answer your students’ questions? What ifRead more…