Welcome to the Indoor Cycling Association
Friday Favorites: A Feel-Good Cool-Down
This week’s suggestion is a song from the early 2000s that continues to be one of my all-time favorites. It has a soothing melody, soulful vocals, and encourages us to remember we are nothing short of amazing. Read more…
Wednesday Timeless Classics: Climbing Track from a ’70s Rock Super Group
A nostalgic rock track from the ’70s with a deeper emotional quality that is perfect for a little mind-body work or introspection in the studio. Read more…
Mainstream Music Monday: Give Me Some Love
This track fits perfectly as a second warm-up song with three opportunities to surge the legs or stand. Or, use it as an endurance or longer recovery track. If you aren’t a fan of this artist yet, wait until you read a little about him—I bet you’ll seek out more of his music! Read more…
Friday Favorites: Summit Surge
This short but intense song is guaranteed to be the ultimate climbing anthem to push riders to the peak.Read more…
Theme Ride Thursday: Rolling Through the Days of the Week
I’ve got an epic Spotify bucket playlist with a whopping 270+ songs that I’ve been curating for years and it’s time to share it with you. It’s like my musical time machine, and I’ve always thought of unleashing it as a themed ride on Days of the Week. What better day to turn this into a reality than on National Thank God It’s Monday Day? While it’s filled with songs about Monday, it also contains songs about every day of the week, including the weekend—you can call it a sonic journey through the entire week!Read more…
The New—and Not So New—New Year’s Resolutioners
There is something very powerful about a new year, a new month, even a new week, which marks a point in time for people to “change” something in their lives. The diet and fitness industry is replete with a sense of revision and metamorphosis, especially around the new year. What values will you communicate to your participants this year to assist them in creating a physically fit foundation in their life?Read more…
Mainstream Music Monday: Bull’s-Eye!
Take it as a warning—you want to check this one out.Read more…
Rolling Through 2023—A Musical Journey with the Soundtrack That Guided Us Through the Year (Profile)
As we approach the end of 2023, we’re unwrapping the year and revisiting the songs and artists that left a lasting impact on our cycling classes. Fern has crafted a profile that integrates songs that reflect some of the highlights from our music series this past year, including Mainstream Music Mondays, Friday Favorites, Trending Tracks, and Theme Ride Thursdays, along with some special mentions.Read more…
Friday Favorites: An ’80s HIIT
This song made popular in a movie is an all-time favorite HIIT.Read more…
Kick Off the New Year With These Six New Year’s Profiles and Six Bucket Playlists With 700 Inspirational Songs
As another year draws to a close, many of us are looking forward to getting back to our regular routines. Help your students reach their fullest potential this year by inspiring them through your choice of music, coaching, and cues found in these New Year’s profiles. Read more…