How to Remove a Stuck Cleat from a Pedal
You go to unclip and find that your cleat is stuck. What do you do next? Find out in today’s how-to video.Read more…
You go to unclip and find that your cleat is stuck. What do you do next? Find out in today’s how-to video.Read more…
Leap year comes around once every four years—it’s a great opportunity to ask your riders to squeeze out one last effort to honor this unique moment. Lisa Pucelik provided this profile four years ago—it’s time to bring it out again! Read more…
In the twenty years I’ve been a master instructor educating indoor cycling instructors around the world (first for Spinning®, then for the last five years with ICA), I’ve come to know what challenges many instructors are struggling with. I’ve often had a revelation while teaching one of my own classes that I’ve thought would be helpful for other instructors to know about.Read more…
Unfortunately, many instructors and participants are intimidated by power at first because they think it’s too technical, too complicated, or only useful for “serious” cyclists. But once you understand the basics, it’s actually a very straightforward tool, and a great way to challenge and engage participants, regardless of whether they ride outside or not. Here are five ways teaching with power will be a game changer in your teaching.Read more…
I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring. ~David BowieRead more…
Guest contributor and ICA member Izabela Ruprik has been collecting indoor cycling certifications over the past few years (about to take her 7th cert)! She attended a class the other day and came away frustrated so she wrote about her experience. She wanted to share this very important message with all instructors from every program: Always share what the purpose of your workout is with your riders!Read more…
Technology can help you teach your classes, it can help your riders improve their performance, and best of all (at least from a business standpoint), it can raise you above your competition and fill your classes. You might as well learn the technology that is available to our industry and how to capitalize on it. Gene Nacey of Cycling Fusion will be providing us with monthly tech tips. Read more to find out about a few of the upcoming topics in this exciting area of studio cycling!Read more…
The second round of advice coming from master instructors. This is pure gold for all indoor cycling instructors from all programs. Read more…
In the cycling world, the concept of base training is being turned on its head. If this is being questioned for outdoor cyclists, how on earth would it apply to indoor cyclists to spend hours at low intensities? If you’ve ever questioned whether you should be teaching your 45- or 60-minute classes in Zone 2 (65%–75% MHR), you may want to read this post.Read more…
Jennifer Snow Ashbrook has a skill of uncovering very relevant articles that can help indoor cycling instructors in their quest for knowledge, so they can better teach their own students. This article that Jennifer found helps you understand the importance of both steady-state and HIIT workouts. Read more…
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