Here are two Thanksgiving profiles. The first is one of my favorites, The Gratitude Ride, and the second is a rolling hills profile called Over the River and Through the Woods to Grandmother’s House. If you are not in the US and don’t celebrate this holiday, the Gratitude Ride has no borders! Also, you may have some fun with a Thanksgiving theme ride…here in the US we love to do Cinco de Mayo, Bastille Day, and other international themes.Read more…

Honoring musical legends in our cycling classes when they leave this world is a great way to play tribute to amazing artists, while at the same time expanding your own musical repertoire. It gives you an excuse to play tracks you might not normally play—and who knows? You—and your riders—may discover genres you wouldn’t normally ride to! Here are four Allman Brothers songs you won’t want to miss.Read more…

This year, Chinese New Year starts with the new moon on the first day of the new year on Saturday, January 28. It ends on the full moon 15 days later, which is celebrated with a Lantern Festival that takes place at night. Why not celebrate Chinese New Year with your class by choosing a song or creating an entire profile from our Chinese New Year playlist? Read more…

The countdown to the New Year is on! And while most of you are knee-deep in holiday shopping, here at ICA we’ve been digging through songs that fit our New Year’s playlist themes. So, whether you’re celebrating another amazing year, or you’re ready to leave this one behind, we’ve got you covered with a selection of three different New Year’s playlists. Read more…