Theme Ride Thursday: Bottom’s Up—A Drinking Playlist
Party it up with these songs about drinking!Read more…
Party it up with these songs about drinking!Read more…
This week we deliver a fiery playlist and profile that will make your legs burn while torching calories. Are you ready for this?Read more…
Today’s Theme Ride Thursday is all about numbers. Here’s a list of our top 100 songs with numbers in the title or the lyrics. Read more…
Covers are songs performed by an artist other than the one who recorded the original version. This allows instructors to provide music that is familiar yet different. Some renditions are true to the original, some take a totally new approach. Some cross genres. Using covers allows you to expand your own musical tastes where you might not have gone before. Read more…
End of the world predictions have been around, well, since practically forever! One thing is for certain, it makes for a really fun theme ride in your indoor cycling classes. Why? Because the musical choices are so fun, and you can assemble some silly and creative doomsday stories. Guess what? You’ve got 3 more apocalyptic opportunities in 2018!Read more…
While Valentine’s Day may be a sensitive holiday for those not head-over-heels in love with someone, it’s definitely my favorite theme to curate. This playlist celebrates breakups, makeups, and everything in between. The music is eclectic, or as I like to call it, all over the place. I promise you, there’s something for everyone! Sound like fun? Great—grab your water and pour your heart and soul into this ride!Read more…
This profile from Billy Coburn celebrates the XXIII Olympic Games in PyeongChang, South Korea. The ride consists of four blocks. The first three build upon determination, courage, and motivation and are each moderate in intensity. The fourth block—going for the gold—is a maximal 4-minute drill patterned after the work of Japanese exercise physiologist Izumi Tabata.Read more…
Christine has done it again, this time with a profile based on the Olympic theme Citius Altius Fortius, which is Latin for Faster, Higher, Stronger. And while it is certainly relevant right now, it is also a profile to pull out again and again when you want to remind your students of their amazing potential. As you cue this ride, you will empower your students to come up with their own motivational phrase that inspires them, and you may be amazed at the results. Read more…
This awesome, creative, and fun profile by Christine Nielsen used the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, to explore some form and intensity topics related to four winter sports, describing teams from four different countries. The music for each sport is performed by musicians from each of the focus countries.Read more…
As we enter December, we begin to reflect on the year and the many musicians we lost. This year hit hard with the loss of several ’70s classic rock artists and multiple suicides. Today we pay our respect with our RIP 2017 playlist. Read more…
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