Theme Ride Thursday: Get Ready to Laugh and Ride for World Laughter Day

World Laughter Day is celebrated every May 5 as a global reminder of the joy and healing power of laughter. It’s a day for sharing smiles, telling jokes, and realizing that laughter, even if it doesn’t solve all problems, can make them seem a bit smaller. So why not bring that same spirit to your indoor cycling class?

You know the feeling when you laugh until your cheeks hurt and tears roll down your face? That moment when you forget about stress, deadlines, and worries? Laughter can transform your day, and on this special day, we’re transforming our cycling classes into a joyful celebration.

You might remember International Day of Happiness from just six weeks ago, where we gave you six different playlists with over 900 songs. Now it’s time to bring that same energy to World Laughter Day! We have a brand-new playlist curated with 60 fun, feel-good tracks about laughing and jokes to make sure you’re smiling from start to finish. (ICA members will find that playlist below.)

Why not start off your ride with a contagious burst of joy? Here is a Spotify playlist with 99 short laugh tracks ranging from children’s giggles to full-on audience belly laughs. Use them to add a touch of silliness to your ride at the beginning and end, and following your toughest intervals. 

Why Laugh During Your Workout?
Laughter does more than just lighten the mood; it’s also a proven fantastic booster for your health and wellness. Here’s why incorporating laughter into your life (and why not your indoor cycling class?) can be a game-changer:

  • Stress Relief: Laughing helps to lower stress hormones and increase endorphins, setting a positive tone for your workout.
  • Immunity Boost: It might sound like magic, but laughter can actually strengthen your immune system by increasing the production of antibodies and activating immune cells.
  • Improve Your Mood: Laughter can help lessen your stress, depression, and anxiety and may make you feel happier. It can also improve your self-esteem.
  • Relieve Pain: Laughter may ease pain by causing the body to produce its own natural painkillers.
  • Better Circulation: Laughter stimulates blood flow, which can benefit your heart and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Community Building: Laughter is a great icebreaker. It can help build bonds among participants, making your class feel like a close-knit community.

Remember, laughter is infectious. This World Laughter Day, let’s create a ride that’s all about joy, connection, and of course, lots of laughter. Wear your brightest gear, bring your best jokes, and get ready for an unforgettable time. Let’s make it a ride that leaves everyone grinning from ear to ear!

And if you have any songs about laughter to add to my bucket playlist below, let me know! 

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