Watch my virtual ride “Four Mountains: Exploring Musical Genres” before it goes away on December 1st!
I’ve been meaning to start doing virtual rides, so this Sunday afternoon I did a practice ride on Zoom. I was originally going to do it with just one friend as my audience but at the last minute I decided to invite anyone who wanted to join and sent out an email to my email list. You may have seen that email in your inbox!
I know it was very last minute…
In fact, I didn’t think I’d get anyone, but thankfully a few did join me. But boy did I get a lot of people asking after-the-fact about watching it on replay!
So, I’m going to leave it up for 48 hours if you want to ride to it. It’s free for anyone to ride to.
BUT please keep in mind this was my first practice run. I’ve done many videos of my rides for ICA members, but a virtual ride is different than filming a video. The technology is different. Filming it live adds another dimension…including anxiety (especially about technology).
And yeah, I had a few sound hiccups. We discovered my lapel mic that works fine when I use my phone as the camera doesn’t work my my computer.
So unfortunately, I didn’t have a separate mic and had to talk louder.
But overall, it wasn’t bad, and it’s definitely a challenging ride and I hope you enjoy it. I would love your feedback.
Now I know what I need to do different. I’ve ordered a mixer and a mic, and I’ll probably use a different platform than Zoom….but at least I got the first one out of the way!
Watch the video below…but hurry, I won’t keep this up for long.
Stay tuned for more virtual rides in the very near future. If you are interested in learning more about riding with me, please respond back with a hearty COUNT ME IN!
I’ll be planning regular classes starting soon, and then in early January, keep your eyes open for a periodized winter training program that you can ride with me at home.
This ride is a series of 4 climbs from 8–10 minutes long. Each climb and its recovery uses a different genre of music—so you know you will get some good music variety.
Don’t forget to leave me feedback
Thank you for sharing this ride, I really enjoyed it. Apologies for not leaving feedback sooner. I would love to try out more of your rides. The music was fab and I got a super workout from the mountain climb profile. Count me in for more rides.
Great music! Would love to try this but have Achilles tendinitis. What modification would I need to do (if any!)?
oh my…tendinitis can be a b****! I say that from current experience because I am nursing elbow tendinitis right now (“tennis elbow”) and the damn thing won’t go away! It’s been ~7 months. I didn’t go to a PT because I thought I could *fix it* myself…but everything I do seems to aggravate it even when I try to give it a break—then I’ll forget and pick up a heavy iron skillet on the stove and bam! It’s back aching all night.
Fortunately riding isn’t bad for elbow tendinitis, but I want to get back to lifting soon. However, I imagine that cycling would be really hard on achilles tendinitis, especially with resistance or high cadence. Tendinitis needs time off and then really easy an progressive reintroduction. Then there’s the crucial icing and NSAIDS (Ibuprophen or another anti-inflammatory) part of it…but you’d have to get that advice from a doctor or physical therapist.
I hope it heals soon so you can come back and ride with me. My advice is don’t wait like I did and have it hang around for 6 or 7 months! Let a professional tell you how to heal it now.
Great ride! Are you going to put this in with the other virtual rides you’ve posted?? I would really like to do this one. I haven’t had time to do it yet.
I’m excited about the periodized winter training program!!
these virtual live-streamed rides are different than the rides I film for ICA members. those I use Spotify as a music source and have the viewer lay it from their own source. Those are left up to view any time. The live-streamed classes will not generally be left up (except maybe a short time, like a few days.) I am still figuring out the music part of it, will have to use royalty-free music for the live-streamed classes.
This ride was just the practice run and will be left up until midnight tonight.
Great ride Jennifer!! My legs will thank you tomorrow
Thank you and COUNT ME IN for more that come available!
great! Will keep you posted!
Thanks so much for offering this virtual ride ,Jennifer. So good to put a face to a name and to sweat along with you . Easy to follow and a great workout!????
thank you for riding with me!!
Thanks for sharing this virtual ride. When you start doing Zoom rides, will us ICA members have free access?
The virtual live-stream classes are different from the video rides I post for ICA members. Those are archived to view and ride to any time; the viewer plays the Spotify playlist from their own source. I will continue to do those for ICA members just like a master class in how to teach some of the ICA profiles.
The live-streamed ones won’t be archived. I will have to use royalty-free music for these.
There will be a fee, but ICA members will be given a huge discount.
Great ride, Jennifer. Thank you.
Finding the balance between music volume and voice volume is always tricky, but you will figure it out. The zoom platform worked good on my end.
Nice effort. I think you identified opportunities to make the experience even more wonderful for the riders and you. You mentioned you’re buying a mixer. Just curious, what exactly does the mixer do? Thanks.
The mixer will allow me to control microphones, music volume and anything else at my fingertips without having to go to my device to control the volume. I’m still learning about all this myself!
Thanks for doing this! Count me in!
Thanks for the ride Jennifer. Nice push on the hills and at the end. Share your playlist?? Have a great day…
Thank you Jennifer fir an amazing ride! I enjoyed the music and mountain profile. More please!
Kristine Nichols
Will this be placed in your ICA library?
these virtual live-streamed rides are different than the rides I film for ICA members. For those I use Spotify as a music source and have the viewer play it from their own source. Those are left up to view any time. The live-streamed classes will not generally be left up (except maybe a short time, like a few days.) I am still figuring out the music part of it, will have to use royalty-free music for the live-streamed classes.
This ride was just the practice run and will be left up until midnight tonight.