Honoring musical legends in our cycling classes when they leave this world is a great way to play tribute to amazing artists, while at the same time expanding your own musical repertoire. It gives you an excuse to play tracks you might not normally play—and who knows? You—and your riders—may discover genres you wouldn’t normally ride to! Here are four Allman Brothers songs you won’t want to miss.Read more…

Canadian music

I confess that 40 years ago, when I emigrated from the United States to Canada, I didn’t expect to feel much difference. I thought, “Two nations, largely English-speaking with a lot of shared history—how different could life be?” I was wrong in many ways. Music was one of the first and most tangible markers of the fact that I was living “abroad.” I heard many artists on the radio who were completely unknown to me and maybe to you, too.Read more…

This year, Chinese New Year starts with the new moon on the first day of the new year on Saturday, January 28. It ends on the full moon 15 days later, which is celebrated with a Lantern Festival that takes place at night. Why not celebrate Chinese New Year with your class by choosing a song or creating an entire profile from our Chinese New Year playlist? Read more…

Downtempo is my favorite genre because it gets into your soul. The words I use to describe this music are enchanting, hypnotic, immersive, meditative, mythical, introspective, mesmerizing, magnetic, ethereal, magical, seductive, earthly, other-worldly, bewitching, captivating, and present moment awareness. Have I got your attention yet? Let me teach you how to teach to this amazing genre of music!Read more…

International indoor cycling day

Angela van Baal is an ICA member from the Netherlands who is planning on playing some of the old classic songs first used in the early days of Spinning® for her International Indoor Cycling Day ride this weekend. What a GREAT idea! I decided to put together a list of some of my most favorite classic Spinning songs from back in the day. Use these for your IICD event—or any event that celebrates Spinning!Read more…

indie rock rocks

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut—be it a profile or your music choices. In our next series, we invite you to “Step Outside Your Musical Box,” open up your ears, and try something new and different. The first genre we’re tackling is indie rock. Bill Pierce encourages you to step inside his world and introduces you to his favorites.Read more…