Friday Favorites: A 10-Minute Song? Yes!
If you think a 10-minute song is too long for indoor cycling, think again.Read more…
If you think a 10-minute song is too long for indoor cycling, think again.Read more…
This song was a big hit in the early 1990s. I’ve been using it for years, but I’m always surprised that this isn’t an extremely popular indoor cycling track all over the world. If you have been using it for a long time, then this is one of our best kept secrets! Read more…
This song has all the markings for a slow tempo, steady-state song in Zone 3, with a building momentum that hits the summit on the chorus.Read more…
A song that pours out the emotion and leaves you and your riders in awe.Read more…
Trance tunes like this one have been a huge part of Spinning® since the early days; you can feel the hypnotic electricity and power emanating from a group of indoor riders pedaling it out in silence to a song like this. Read more…
Indie-blues rock turns mainstream pop-rock.Read more…
This week’s suggestion is a great electronic track that made its way into the mainstream in 2005. Even though it’s a little older, it’s still a favorite and is great for working on speed and pedal drills. Read more…
An intoxicating hybrid of rock, pop, dance, and funk that is sure to please any rider. Use this flat road–inspired single to kick off your warm-up or as a strategically planned interval in your aerobic profile to entice the legs to accelerate to a faster cadence.Read more…
Put a smile on riders’ faces, excitement in their hearts, and energy in their feet when you start your profile with this crowd-pleasing song from the ’70s.Read more…
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