Welcome to the Indoor Cycling Association
Strategies for Strength: Climbing at Tempo
Many of us have seen professional riders climbing the famed ascents of the Tour de France. One observation is the speed at which they climb. Not just how fast their bikes are going, but how fast their legs are spinning. This faster climbing cadence is often referred to as “climbing at tempo.” For those of us that ride outside, this is not climbing in one’s granny gear (no offense, Mom), but pushing a relatively hard gear at a fast cadence.Read more…
The Easiest Way to Assess Intensity and Determine Heart Rate Training Zones for Cycling Students
Heart rate training has been a source of confusion for a long time in the indoor cycling world. The good news is that there IS an easy way to create meaningful training zones by performing an assessment known as a talk test. This detailed PDF will teach you the physiology of this assessment and provide everything you need to know to conduct a talk test in total confidence. This test should be done as a precursor to every FTP field test, as it also is an excellent means of reinforcing riders’ understanding of perceived exertion.Read more…
Strategies for Strength: The Wisdom of Yoda
What if there weren’t any other options? This famous character has a very important lesson we can tell our students: listen to the man! This article also gives you some tips on knowing whether or not you might be pushing your students beyond their limits (hint: you probably aren’t)!Read more…
Using Empathy to Better Know Our Members’ Needs
In today’s article Apryl Stern walks us through a recent workshop she took on design thinking and helps us find ways to naturally create an overall experience that better fits our students, and gives them reasons to keep coming back. Grab a pen and paper and let’s get started!
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Strategies for Strength: What’s Your Mantra?
Have you used mantras to inspire your students up epic climbs? Do you know how they work? Here are the reasons behind why mantras help focus athletes on the task at hand, as well as 85 different mantras you can use in your coaching, and tips on how to personalize them and to inspire your students to create their own.Read more…
Obsessed with Cycling Drills: The Reverse Paceline Drill
The opposite of a regular paceline drill. The key to success is how you set the scene and describe the challenge.Read more…
Is EVERYONE at Your Studio or Gym AED Certified?
According to Club Industry, a lawsuit was filed in California against 24 Hour Fitness for the wrongful death of a member who had a heart attack while playing basketball. Employees allegedly didn’t know where the AED was, and when it was found, it was not fully charged. Does your studio or gym have an AED? Are you certified? Here is information that can help you and your management.Read more…
Strategies for Strength: The Cheek to Cheek Technique
The majority of people who do not like to stand claim they feel awkward out of the saddle and it drives their heart rate through the roof. Many believe they don’t have the strength to stand. It is not an issue of strength but technique. Read more…
Let’s Come Together
A friend shared this song with me on my Facebook page this morning, and I am offering this song here without comment. I would have played it in my Monday class had I known. Let’s come together in sweet harmony, world. Read more…
Step Outside Your Musical Box: Hip-Hop
Hip-hop today is completely unrecognizable in many ways compared to what it sounded like when it first hit the music scene in the ’70s. This month we’re taking it old-school…back to the golden age of hip-hop.
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