indie rock rocks

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut—be it a profile or your music choices. In our next series, we invite you to “Step Outside Your Musical Box,” open up your ears, and try something new and different. The first genre we’re tackling is indie rock. Bill Pierce encourages you to step inside his world and introduces you to his favorites.Read more…


Have you ever taken a class in which the instructor said you were going to do a high-intensity interval effort, but didn’t tell you how long it would be? As a result, you didn’t know how hard you should push for fear that you wouldn’t last the whole time? What was the result? Here are the basic rules for teaching interval sets and reps. Great tips for new instructors or as a brushup for seasoned instructors.Read more…

Feeding the mind and spirit can be especially important for older students. Many are adjusting to their lives getting smaller. Aging does not need to mean loneliness, but it can. The social benefit of indoor cycling is important for everyone but especially for this population. As an indoor cycling instructor, you have the ability to help your older students with these issues and inspire them to adhere to their training program. This article tells you how you can do that.Read more…