Ever notice how standing affects your heart rate? How long does it take to return to where it was prior to standing (if cadence and resistance/power are the same)? Many riders might not notice the effect on their heart rate, so this eye-opening climbing drill brings it to their attention and teaches them the tricks to bring it back down.Read more…

Have you ever walked into class and just known it was going to be one of those days? At the front of the room sit the fitness warriors, donning serious faces as they set their heart rate monitors and fine-tune their bike setup. At the back of the room a small riot brews. There is tons of chatter, laughter, and a couple of folks whose voices project more than is tolerable. The front row is noticeably annoyed.Read more…

Just because we’ve gotten away with it doesn’t mean it is legal or right. Are we as instructors using purchased videos (DVDs, downloaded, or streaming) or videos freely downloaded from the web legally? As the popularity of video and virtual rides in cycling studios increases across the country, what do we need to know to avoid legal repercussions as instructors and for the clubs we teach?Read more…

There was an interesting discussion this week on one of the Facebook indoor cycling forums about teaching without music. I thought it could be fun to have a discussion here about teaching without music. Have you ever had a music emergency in which you had to teach your class with no music at all? How did you initially react? How did your riders respond?Read more…