Welcome to the Indoor Cycling Association
Cori Parks, Educational Contributor
A self-described jack-of-all-trades, Cori wears many hats, not from a lack of focus, but from a wide range of enthusiastic interests. She is originally from North County, San Diego, where she first took to the coastal Highway 101 on her fat frame Cannondale in the early ’80s. Before she realizedRead more…
Ideas For Incorporating a “Buddy System” Into Your Rides
This article by Bicycling magazine about incorporating a “buddy system” into a century ride to encourage the riders struggling at the back of the pack got me thinking of ways to utilize this in our own challenging rides. Read the article and let me know your ideas!Read more…
Prepping for a Reset, Part 5: Legs a Pumping
In order to prepare for the lung-burning intervals our riders know and love, some conditioning is needed. In addition to aerobic conditioning, the muscles of the legs need to be ever ready and everlasting. Here is the first of two profile outlines on leg muscle conditioning—muscular endurance.Read more…
Halloween Cycling Classes From Around the World!
Here are a handful of fun photos from Halloween theme rides from around the globe. If you taught a Halloween ride and want to share it with us, please post your photos to our Facebook page. We’d love to see how much fun you all had in your classes. Halloween is without a doubt one of the most fun theme rides you can do!Read more…
Prepping for a Reset, Part 4: Lung Love
I hope you enjoyed the video of how I present the reset to my classes (I use the last example, of course). What I realize is I have the benefit of knowing exactly what this reset actually looks like in terms of profiles. In order to give you this benefit and resulting confidence, I’m going to provide an outline of five profiles I use during the first three months of the year. Here is the first profile outline: Aerobic Conditioning.Read more…
Tell This To ALL Your New Students!
Last week I gave you numerous tips (28 in total!) on how to create a non-intimidating beginner class where new students will feel comfortable their first time on an indoor bicycle. I asked for input from members who teach beginner classes. One suggestion was so good that it warrants its own post! Read more…
What to Teach in a Beginner Class That Will Bring Your Newbies Back Again and Again
There is rarely enough time to work with brand-new students in your regular classes. If you have the luxury of scheduling beginner classes at your studio or club, here is a list of what you should include in these first-timer classes that will help them master the movements and feel less intimidated about venturing into regular classes. This is one of the best ways to provide a continuous flow of new riders to your classes.Read more…
Watch This AWESOME Spooky Trailer For Off Road’s Halloween Ride
ICA member Tammar Berger, owner of Off Road Indoor Cycling in Washington, DC, created this amazing short trailer for their upcoming Halloween ride. She gave a few quick tips on how she did it, but it made me think…what would you think if we created a course on how to do this yourself? Video is incredibly powerful to promote your program—you might as well take advantage of it!Read more…
Prepping for a Reset, Part 3: The Sales Pitch
In part 1, we presented the value of doing a physical, mental, and energy reset in your classes as a new year begins. In part 2, we described the elements that make up a reset and refocus. In part 3, I thought it would be helpful to provide a video example of how to talk to your riders about this “reset” in a way that gets them excited about the classes to come. I even included two examples of what NOT to do.Read more…
Halloween Profile: Ride For Your Lives!
This particular ride is written to be performed as much as it is to be coached. The instructor takes the position as a guide on a Haunted Bike Tour past a graveyard, through Halloween Town, into the woods, past a second graveyard, and concludes with a steep ascent to Dracula’s castle. The more theatrical—the better! Might I suggest ridiculous glasses or a witch/mad hatter hat…and a fog machine?Read more…