Here is Part 2 of Top Ten Tricks for Nailing Your Next Audition, or, as I like to subtitle it, How to Be a Really Good Instructor! Tips 4, 5 and 6 will help you look good, select an appropriate profile, and show them that you are indeed a professional indoor cycling instructor. (As we all are, even if you teach for free!)Read more…

After three weeks being out of commission, I’m slowly getting back to teaching my Tues/Thur 6am class, the end of a 12-week periodized program. Since the information and coaching is very specific and is based on what was done in the previous weeks, I had no one who I could trust to sub for me. (Yup, really!) But I do have very understanding and wonderful students who cared more about my recovery than their class! So today was my second day back, teaching off the bike. My husband remarked these past two classes were the best he’s ever seen me teach, because I was focusing so much on my students. Here’s what I said and did, plus my latest field-test playlist, which I loved!Read more…

Bryon Black has auditioned over 100 prospective new instructors as a co-director of his club’s cycling program. He brings you some valuable tips with so much meat on them that I’ve divided this into a 4-part series. The first three articles each cover three tips, and the final article is devoted to one incredible tip on its own; it’s that impactful. It will not only get you the job, but it will raise your own coaching to another level. In fact, most of these tips are excellent suggestions simply for being a better indoor cycling coach whether you are auditioning, or working at the same facility with the same students for over a decade!!Read more…

This is Part 2 of the revamped field testing articles. This one is the actual coaching of the field test. I’ve amended some of the cues to help you coach your students better through this grueling but very important assessment. Also, I’ve completely redone my playlist, and have provided tips on what kind of music to use, as well as a suggested list of over 60 additional songs to use in your field tests!Read more…

This is a re-write and re-recording of a past Audio Master Class on field testing. I have updated the information and reduced the options to the simpler 20-minute field test rather than include the more confusing options of 8-minute vs 20-minute field tests. For less fit or new students, I still recommend the Talk Test. This first post is the physiology and explanation, how to explain it to your students, and what to do with the numbers once you’ve done the testing. This will be followed up with a complete written and recording of a 20-minute field test Audio Master Class with coaching and cueing ideas and a completely new playlist.Read more…

Moritz asked an excellent question in the comments of the recent Lactate Threshold Field Test post about why I suggest a higher cadence flat instead of a faster hill climb for field testing. You’re going to learn the important reasons why a faster cadence is preferred for a field test, but you’ll also learn that there is a time and a place for a fast uphill time trial! Learn here why, when and how!Read more…

Spinning learning styles

Every one of us has different methods of assimilating information. When you coach your students, you should understand that the learning styles of your students may be very different. Christine presents one of the simplest and most effective ways to make sure you are delivering your coaching so that all of your students in your classes can understand what you are trying to say. After reading this article you will have numerous ideas for incorporating all styles into your teaching.Read more…

One of the beauties of indoor cycling is that it inspires many instructors to become cyclists, and some instructors even inspire their students to ride outside (one of my favorite things). But sometimes the world of cycling can be a little intimidating. At ICA, we want to help you discover the world of outdoor riding and help you answer your students’ questions about outdoor riding as well as indoor! Read more…