Welcome to the Indoor Cycling Association
What if they don’t get it?
What if your student doesn’t get it? Even after telling him or her over and over about something having to do with riding or intensity or power or cadence, and they just don’t understand…. what do you do? What can you do? If you have not met this student yet,Read more…
Threshold Interval Profile Template: Over 50 Profiles Possible!
This may be one of the most valuable downloads so far at the Indoor Cycling Association. In this template for creating intervals at lactate threshold (LT) or functional threshold power (FTP), you can mix and match the variables provided to create well over 50 different profiles! Yes, you read that correctly. Over 50 profiles!Read more…
Not All Intervals Are Created Equal! Why You Need to Learn More About Cycling Intervals
How much do you *really* know about interval training? Do you realize that the intensity, duration, and recovery amounts should change depending on your goal and the benefit you want to achieve? Take this quiz to see how much you really know about interval training.Read more…
Do you feel comfortable with silence?
Do you talk non-stop when you are teaching your classes? Do you feel uncomfortable when you see your students looking up at you with big eyes, and imagine they are looking for direction? Becoming comfortable with silence is a huge step in becoming an enlightened coach, and to helping yourRead more…
Class Profile: Spin-ups and Accelerations
A “spin-up” is a cycling term for a training technique used by cyclists to develop a quick, smooth acceleration. This profile is the perfect follow up to our Cadence Ladder profile, as it builds on the skills developed there while adding the specific technique of accelerations. You will do both seated and standing spin-ups in this profile, so expect to work hard!Read more…
Product review video: Jennifer Interviews Gene on Class Builder Video #2
Jennifer Sage, March 23, 2012 Here is part 2 of the interview with Gene Nacey of Cycling Fusion on Class Builder.Read more…
Product Review Video: Class Builder from Cycling Fusion
Are you like me and hate reading instructions? Perhaps you’re afraid of Class Builder because like me, you thought it would take too long to learn? I interviewed Gene Nacey about Class Builder and how easy it can be to learn it. This is part 1 of a series ofRead more…
Class Profile: A Cadence Ladder 80–100 RPM
This profile will help your students develop pedaling skills and increase their comfortable range of cadences. It is an ascending ladder from 80–100 rpm. You can also take the techniques outlined in this profile and use them as shorter drills in other classes.Read more…
Ask the Expert: Field Testing in a 40-minute time frame
I received this question from Amy: can you do a field test if you only have a 40-minute time slot? What are some things to consider? I give a short review of the 8-minute field test and some suggestions for validating field tested (or talk tested) thresholds. This should helpRead more…
Mastering the Endurance Ride, Part 3: The path to engagement and putting it all together
In Parts 1 and 2, we have discussed most of the necessary elements of building an engaging endurance ride, but there are two more elements, ACTION and YOU. This final edition of this series on teaching endurance or mind-body style classes helps you put it all together and understand howRead more…