Welcome to the Indoor Cycling Association
Neuromuscular training – do you need it?
Tom Scotto has done it again, with a very informative article on neuromuscular training and why it is important. Find out why employing neuromuscular training in your profiles will help you improve endurance, strength, speed and power, all important aspects of cycling AND indoor cycling. Use it for base buildingRead more…
Two Threshold Field Tests for Heart Rate and Power
More than just an audio Master Class, this audio recording and handout are a veritable continuing education workshop! Presented in this audio and pdf are two separate field tests; a twenty-minute test and an 8-minute version based on Chris Carmichael’s CTS field tests. Each version is applicable to both heartRead more…
Connecting with students through Facebook
In my article on “What is Soul Cycle Doing Right”, I discussed how they use promotion and PR to create a buzz, so that people want to be a part of what they are offering. I challenged you the instructor, and the studio owner, to think outside the box forRead more…
Working with the Overweight Student
Dixie Douville, registered nurse and former longtime (and very popular) Master Instructor for the Spinning® program has worked with indoor cycling clients of every fitness level, including overweight and obese students. I asked Dixie to go into much more detail on how to understand and to work with our overweight students. . . .Read more…
Instructors – how is your “Social Proprioception”?
As an instructor, how aware are you of how your actions and demeanor affect others around you, even when you are not teaching? Could a few minor changes in your “social proprioception” help you increase your class numbers, or make them more open to what you have to say? ThisRead more…
What is a Run With Resistance?
About 5 years ago, I was teaching my Loop de Loop profile as a Master Class at a club in California. Loop de Loop is a mountain bike simulation. I had a segment that included a “Run With Resistance”. (For those of you who are not Spinning® certified a “RWR”Read more…
Audio Master Class: How Big is Your Why?
How Big Is Your Why; a New Year’s Revolution is one of Jennifer’s signature profiles. It is not just any ol’ “New Year’s Resolution” ride, this profile is a “Revolution”! It challenges your students to set goals and to change the way they think about achieving them, by finding theirRead more…
Class Profile: Holiday Calorie Burner
This ride has two purposes: to have a blast and to burn off as much holiday cookies, fudge and egg nog as possible. Make sure to plan for some easier aerobics profiles next week! Enjoy this profile! It’s crazy and fun and will really torch some calories. Just make sureRead more…
Ask the Expert: What gear should I be in?
If you have bikes with gears, have you ever had a student ask you “What gear should I be in” even after you’ve explained the terrain, cadence and intensity? You know they shouldn’t ride at a specific gear, but how do you explain it to them? The answer also applies to cueing a specific wattage…Read more…
Audio Master Class: Energia Magica
This magical ride is one of Jennifer’s signature profiles. It is one long epic climb with a focus on the mind-body connection, in which you inspire your students to visualize nature around them as they climb and to draw energy from their surroundings when it becomes challenging. This profile is truly bringing the outside inside!Read more…