Welcome to the Indoor Cycling Association
Magic Coaching Moment Video: Understanding Toe Straps on Indoor Cycling Bikes
As I traveled around North America for 12 years with the Spinning program to well over a hundred clubs certifying instructors, one thing I encountered again and again was a lack of understanding about toe straps and how they work. This video explains what to do.Read more…
Keiser Indoor Cycling Evolution – progressing and moving on from “hovers”
Suzette O’Byrne, Keiser Master Instructor, discusses the evolution of Keiser’s methodology since she first started with them many years ago. Over the years, our understanding of biomechanics and physiology has changed, and we must adapt and change as we learn new things. Read how Keiser has implemented positive changes.Read more…
Quote of the Week, Tuesday June 21, 2011
It’s always perspective, isn’t it? Do you see roses or thorns?Read more…
Scheduling your indoor cycling classes: how to offer variety for both students and instructors
n my recent Ask the Expert article, I answered a question from Andrea who has been scheduled to teach one Endurance and one Strength class per week. Classes are the same every week on the club’s schedule. I found a sample of a schedule I created in 2002 that shows how to offer variety across the board for instructors and students.Read more…
Ask the Expert: Help – I’m only allowed to teach Endurance and Strength classes!
This is such an excellent question, one that includes heart rate, the Spinning® Energy Zones® and scheduling issues. I’ll be answering this question over more than one post since there is so much to share with you. I’m sure most of you have encountered the scheduling, administrative and heart rate conundrums described here! . . .Read more…
Quote of the Week, Tuesday June 14th, 2011
You’ll notice that a lot of my favorite quotes are about taking steps to accomplish things you really want to do, but maybe don’t have the confidence to do, or think you don’t have the confidence, or skills to carry through.Read more…
Is it Plausible?
Is what you’re asking plausible? Can your students – even the fit ones – accomplish what you are asking them to do? This will become a somewhat regular question I’ll ask instructors.Read more…
Hand Position Part 2: Look at cyclists when deciding where to put your hands
But for a few exceptions, indoor cyclists should simulate the hand positions that an outdoor cyclist utilizes. Those exceptions would be the very aggressive riding positions of elite cyclists and triathletes utilized during competitions, reserved for athletes with many years of skills, fitness, flexibility and of course, the tens ofRead more…
What you can expect at the Indoor Cycling Association the first year
Unsure about whether to join the Indoor Cycling Association? Take a look at this long list of topics that will be covered this year!What You Can Expect at the Indoor Cycling Associations in the next year First I want to say that I am very grateful for everyone who visitsRead more…