Leading a stage of the Tour de France in your cycling classes is an exhilarating experience, both for your riders and for you as an instructor. It’s an opportunity to use your best inspirational coaching skills paired with empowering music. Let’s dive into tips on creating and leading a Tour de France stage in your cycling classes! Read more…

Dixie first presented this Boston Marathon ride at WSSC in the mid 2000s, and it quickly became one of the iconic, empowering sessions instructors spoke about across the country. I was thrilled when she agreed to write it up for ICA members, including all of her powerful coaching cues, and filled with the intensity and the rich history of the Boston Marathon. You are in for a special treat! NEW for 2023 we have a running-themed bucket playlist with over 300 songs.Read more…

This money-themed profile will have you riding the ladder of success and saving up in the recoveries so you can spend it all on the high-intensity intervals! All songs are about money: wanting it, spending it, not having it, sharing it, and realizing it’s not that important! You’ll hear everything from classic rock to hip-hop, EDM to retro, and pop to country.Read more…