Every instructor should have a large pool of short recovery songs to choose from. Every profile, except a steady-state endurance ride, benefits from moments for a physical and mental break. Here are over 6,000 songs that work perfectly for your recovery tracks, broken into three bucket playlists (and yes! Believe me, you’ll need a lot!). One is for shorter songs and one is for when you need some longer (over 3:15) songs for easier segments. A third one gathers whole albums of short songs if you want a recovery theme. Both Spotify and Apple playlists are provided. Read more…

This money-themed profile will have you riding the ladder of success and saving up in the recoveries so you can spend it all on the high-intensity intervals! All songs are about money: wanting it, spending it, not having it, sharing it, and realizing it’s not that important! You’ll hear everything from classic rock to hip-hop, EDM to retro, and pop to country.Read more…

I have provided two versions for coaching this high-intensity interval profile. One is with power (watts) and the other is with perceived exertion, for when you don’t have power meters. It’s perfect for those new to teaching with watts. It’s a very challenging profile and not for the faint-hearted. For that reason, I also include a fair amount of cueing suggestions on how to give permission for riders to back off or sit one (or two or three) of the intervals out.Read more…

Buckle up, folks, because this one will challenge you in a different way than our profiles with longer intervals! Encore means “again” in French, and we are going to do these short intervals again, and again, and again. I’ve provided a video of me teaching this ride to give you tips and tricks on how to teach it. This one demands a lot of focus!Read more…

A good profile should provide you with endless ways to use it, saving you tons of time in the process. We have had several versions of this profile at ICA. This is an example of taking a template for a solid, goal-based workout and tweaking the music not just for a specific genre (like Bill Pierce’s Pop vs. Rock version), but for a theme like I did with this one using songs about “wild,” “crazy,” and “psycho.” There are so many fun songs in that theme! I also modified the intervals slightly, so it will seem fresh and new to your riders.Read more…

Here is the follow-up to my Facebook Live video on the importance of recovery within your interval-training sessions. This one comes with lots of great add-ons, including a 12-page guide on how to use music and coaching to keep riders engaged during the recoveries. It also comes with three Spotify playlists to help you choose both your high-intensity short interval songs of 1–3 minutes, and short songs that are good for your recoveries. You’ll never be lacking for recovery song options! Read more…

The Ultimate HIIT Profile provides you with the ammunition you will need to guide riders to truly understand perceived exertion for higher intensity riding. Through your coaching you help them to relate each interval with duration and intensity and to make mental notes of what they are feeling. Ask your riders to take what they learn in this profile and apply it to other classes they attend.Read more…