Wednesday Timeless Classics: Classic Track to Set a Chill Vibe
An unobtrusive track that sets the perfect mood…Read more…
An unobtrusive track that sets the perfect mood…Read more…
A timeless track that is perfect for a windy day or anytime you want aggressive riding!Read more…
It’s hard to find songs that work perfectly for a long set of 30/30s, but I have found it, the MOST perfect track. Over the past 25 years of teaching, I’ve also used this classic from 1971 (I cannot believe it’s that old!) as a 7-minute, concerted climb. It’s also good for jumps if that’s your thing. If this isn’t in your repertoire yet, you’re going to want to use it soon! Read more…
I started using songs from this album when I first became certified in 1996. Over two decades later, I still come back to this song as a warm-up or gentle flat road, and it always retains its freshness. It is the quintessential “timeless classic”!Read more…
Use this track when you have the intention of being intense!Read more…
Get down with this track from 2001.Read more…
I’ve enjoyed using this timeless classic track in my cycling classes for several decades. The passage of time hasn’t dated this song for the cycling studio—it still feels fresh and works perfectly as a warm-up or moderate flat road at 90 rpm.Read more…
A wonderful, unique climbing track that seems to go on forever…Read more…
One of my most favorite songs to use as a cool-down after an epic journey ride, a song that I’ve been using for over 20 years. There is really not much to say about this song except when you start using it, it will be a happy day!Read more…
Though this fabulous song was released in 1989, to me, it sounds timeless. I’ve been using it for two decades whenever I want to send a special message to my riders that I honor them—whoever they are, whatever they do. Read more…
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